Letter from Marlene Tordoff:
The Peoples UMC Prayer Shawl and Arts & Crafts Ministries are reaching out to our local community with two projects. If you knit, crochet or sew, you can help with these project, too.

1. We are making knit or crocheted preemie, toddler or young children's hats to be delivered to Maine Medical Center at the end of February. These are to be made of soft, acrylic yarns, not wool or metallic and no pompoms. I do have several patterns. Betty Smith shared the Perfect Preemie Hat pattern with us at our last meeting. I know Rosemary Herd can use hats in her department, but Judy Tordoff Aiken said they have a need for children's hats in the radiology department, too.
2. We will be making Heart for Healing Pillows for breast cancer surgical patients at our next meeting on February 12 at 7 P.M. in Ellis Hall. We made 12 pillows last year for Mercy Hospital. The oncology department will gladly take more.
Materials needed are 1 1/2 yards of 100%cotton fabric that is soft on the skin, fiberfill and thread. Other supplies might be a portable sewing machine (I have one), scissors, pins and needles. If you do not sew, perhaps you could donate material, help cut out the hearts or stuff the pillows with fiberfill.
Providing we do not have another snowstorm, I look forward to having you join us on February 12.
In Christian love,
Marlene Tordoff
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