Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Small Groups Soon!

The Discipleship committee is planning a few exciting small group series in the next few months, and you don't want to miss these. The first is called "Beyond 30 Seconds," and is planned to begin the week of Ash Wednesday. Honing our hospitality and our sacrifical love for others is a suitable Lenten topic. The adult Sunday School will most likely be participating in this study, with the first week on February 22. That Sunday we will begin a preaching series in conjunction with the study, enabling small groups to discuss the topic after hearing the sermon that week. This is a 7-week study. Small groups currently meeting are welcome to participate, and we are also looking for others who would like to host and/or lead a group.

The second is called "40 Days of Love" which will begin a week after Easter Sunday. This study is very similar to "Purpose Driven Life" and would be great to invite an unchurched friend or family member to attend. Our vision is that 50% of each small group be unchurched friends, family and neighbors. Who might you invite to attend with you? The content revolves are 1 Corinthians 13 including topics such as "Love is Patient and Kind, "Love tells the Truth" and "Love is Forgiving."

Materials for both studies will be arriving within the next few weeks. Please contact Art Tordoff or the pastors for copies, or for more information.

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