During worship on January 25, we commissioned everyone serving on teams, committees and ministries with our blessing and prayers. This was an idea brought forth by Linda Wade who had witnessed such a service at another church last year when she was out of state.
So that Sunday School folks would not miss out on this event, we held the commissioning service at the beginning of worship. And since Sunday School is studying baptism this month, it was the perfect opportunity to talk to the kids about how each of us receives our call to ministry at the time of our baptism, just as Jesus received the Holy Spirit and was empowered to begin his ministry at his baptism.
Commissioning involves not just blessing and prayer but also accountability. Each team, committee and individual serving in ministry at Peoples was asked to stand and remain standing, and then were asked a series of accountability questions ... by the children. Readers included Isaac Dunn, Megan Arey, Jonathon Locke, Faith Arrison and Nathan Dunn. What a humbling experience to be reminded of our responsibility as a congregation to love, serve and disciple children and adults alike.
May all who have been called by God into ministry this year know the blessing and power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Baptizing Bears

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Peoples Hosts Church Life Training
Our annual Church Life training was particularly inspiring this year with a program led by Alexx Wood on welcoming and Igniting Ministry. Break out groups also covered finance, trustees, SPRC and reorganizing churches for growth. Check in with Jamie, Art, Dan, Kathy or Betty Smith to see what you missed. We will be bringing forward additional material from the igniting ministry program in the coming weeks, so please stay tuned.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sunday School during Lent

This would be a great opportunity to invite a friend or family member with elementary-aged children. For questions or more information, please contact Andy Folley at 749-5702.
Valentine’s Cookie Bake
The Sunday School is organizing a cookie bake on February 8 after church to bake cookies and bring them to nursing homes in the community. More details will be available in worship on February 1, or you may contact Rosemary Herd at 799-2392 or Andy Folley at 749-5702.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Prayer Shawl Meeting Feb 12

Letter from Marlene Tordoff:
The Peoples UMC Prayer Shawl and Arts & Crafts Ministries are reaching out to our local community with two projects. If you knit, crochet or sew, you can help with these project, too.

1. We are making knit or crocheted preemie, toddler or young children's hats to be delivered to Maine Medical Center at the end of February. These are to be made of soft, acrylic yarns, not wool or metallic and no pompoms. I do have several patterns. Betty Smith shared the Perfect Preemie Hat pattern with us at our last meeting. I know Rosemary Herd can use hats in her department, but Judy Tordoff Aiken said they have a need for children's hats in the radiology department, too.
2. We will be making Heart for Healing Pillows for breast cancer surgical patients at our next meeting on February 12 at 7 P.M. in Ellis Hall. We made 12 pillows last year for Mercy Hospital. The oncology department will gladly take more.
Materials needed are 1 1/2 yards of 100%cotton fabric that is soft on the skin, fiberfill and thread. Other supplies might be a portable sewing machine (I have one), scissors, pins and needles. If you do not sew, perhaps you could donate material, help cut out the hearts or stuff the pillows with fiberfill.
Providing we do not have another snowstorm, I look forward to having you join us on February 12.
In Christian love,
Marlene Tordoff
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Grace Corey, beloved and remembered

Thanks to all who surrounded the family with love and care, and especially to Brad Morrison and the UMW for hosting a beautiful reception in Ellis Hall.
We miss you Grace.
Valentines Day Men's Breakfast

The men's breakfast takes place every 2nd Saturday.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Life in Review 2008
Please contact Chris Ward if you can bring a casserole, dessert, salad or drinks to share. Mark your calendars!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
United Methodist Women
United Methodist Women will be meeting February 17 2pm in Ellis Hall. This is the group primarily responsible for putting together the monthly bean suppers and annual Christmas fair. Please contact Chris Ward for more info at 767-2516.
School Vacation Notes
The pastors will be away during school vacation week February 16-22. Please contact Earle Harvey at 799-5088 for assistance, or to reach the clergy on call for pastoral care.
There will also be no Sunday School on February 22 due to the school vacation week. Kids are welcome to stay in worship with their families.
There will also be no Sunday School on February 22 due to the school vacation week. Kids are welcome to stay in worship with their families.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Root Cellar February 26
Join us to serve at the Root Cellar on February 26, as we provide food, worship music and a message for their community meal. More information will be available through the next few weeks. We will also be serving at the Root Cellar on May 28 and October 22.
Please contact Carol Bruneau for more information at 799-5995.
Please contact Carol Bruneau for more information at 799-5995.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
You Have a Story to Tell!
The pastors are hosting a retreat at their vacation home in Bridgton, Maine near Moose Pond. Friday evening beginning at 6pm will be time for food, singing, fellowship and games for all who would like to stay the night. Others can attend the daytime portion only on Saturday 9am-3pm (content will begin at 10am).
Children of all ages are welcome but there will be no childcare – children and parents can go ice skating, skiing, sledding or just hang out at the house (anyone for some Wii ski?).
Food will be provided (dinner Friday, breakfast and lunch Saturday). Financial donations will be accepted.
For questions or to register, please contact the pastors at 799-6814.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ash Wednesday
Join us on February 25 at 7pm for worship on Ash Wednesday at the Cape Elizabeth UMC, and each Wednesday 7pm through April 1 at different local UM churches. The schedule will be published in the March newsletter, and will be available at Peoples News Online shortly. The senior choir will be rehearsing on Thursday evening during Lent to allow choir members to attend these meaningful times of worship.
What is Lent?
What is Lent? Forty days of Lent are celebrated by churches all over the world. Lent is the time of year the Church reflects on the events leading up to the crucifixion of Christ and on our own faithfulness as disciples who follow Jesus. Please look for announcements on ways to deepen your relationship with God during this special season which begins on Ash Wednesday, which this year is February 25.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Small Groups Soon!
The Discipleship committee is planning a few exciting small group series in the next few months, and you don't want to miss these. The first is called "Beyond 30 Seconds," and is planned to begin the week of Ash Wednesday. Honing our hospitality and our sacrifical love for others is a suitable Lenten topic. The adult Sunday School will most likely be participating in this study, with the first week on February 22. That Sunday we will begin a preaching series in conjunction with the study, enabling small groups to discuss the topic after hearing the sermon that week. This is a 7-week study. Small groups currently meeting are welcome to participate, and we are also looking for others who would like to host and/or lead a group.
The second is called "40 Days of Love" which will begin a week after Easter Sunday. This study is very similar to "Purpose Driven Life" and would be great to invite an unchurched friend or family member to attend. Our vision is that 50% of each small group be unchurched friends, family and neighbors. Who might you invite to attend with you? The content revolves are 1 Corinthians 13 including topics such as "Love is Patient and Kind, "Love tells the Truth" and "Love is Forgiving."
Materials for both studies will be arriving within the next few weeks. Please contact Art Tordoff or the pastors for copies, or for more information.
The second is called "40 Days of Love" which will begin a week after Easter Sunday. This study is very similar to "Purpose Driven Life" and would be great to invite an unchurched friend or family member to attend. Our vision is that 50% of each small group be unchurched friends, family and neighbors. Who might you invite to attend with you? The content revolves are 1 Corinthians 13 including topics such as "Love is Patient and Kind, "Love tells the Truth" and "Love is Forgiving."
Materials for both studies will be arriving within the next few weeks. Please contact Art Tordoff or the pastors for copies, or for more information.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Freed Up – Financial Living
Freed Up – Financial Living is a new Good $ense program sponsored by the Peoples UMC and the Methodist Foundation. March 20-21. Friday 7-9 pm, Saturday 8:45am –2:30pm. Learn valuable techniques for your own personal finances. This training will aid our church in sponsoring future seminars on our own, and will be led by Gary Melville. If you have questions, or wish to register, please contact Art Tordoff or the pastors.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Mark it on the Calendar

This is not to say that dates set at this meeting are cast in stone. Already several dates since the meeting have been revised.

We will be hosting these Church Council calendaring events three times per year so that there is overlap in our planning process, planning nine months of ministry at a time. The next scheduled events will take place June 6 9am-noon (planning June-February), and October 10 9am-noon (planning October-June), and then again in January (planning January-September). All are invited!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Church Winter Storm Guidelines

1. Each person / family needs to assess the weather and decide for themselves if it would be best to stay home. If you feel that it would be best to stay home, why not take that opportunity to have your own family or private worship service? As a mission, perhaps you could think of some older members of the church and give them a call to see if they're okay and if they need anything.
2. If there is a parking ban in South Portland, and you need to drive to church, please seriously consider staying home. There is very limited parking in the parking lots, and the parking lots will most likely not be plowed anyway. In addition, if there is a parking ban, the Snow Angels will not have cleared the sidewalks so if you do walk to church please be prepared to trudge through the snow up to the doors. As a general practice sidewalks and parking lots will be cleared after a storm has ended rather than mid-storm.
3. We will post Sunday morning worship cancellation on TV WCSH channel 6. If the storm occurs Sunday evening or during the week, we will also post other cancellations on channel 6 as necessary. For individual groups (committee meetings, prayer service, choir rehearsal), the group leader will contact regular members if there is a cancellation.
4. Even in severe weather and worship has been cancelled, one of the pastors will be there to pray or to lead an informal service. There will most likely be no pianist/organist, and there will most likely be no Sunday School (kids or adults) or coffee fellowship.
5. If you decide not to attend church on a Sunday morning, please set aside your gift or pledge contribution and either mail or bring the following Sunday. Wintry Sundays are extremely difficult on the church budget when folks take this as an opportunity to skip a week's donation. Better yet, fill out a direct debit form so you need not worry about making up missed donations at all.
If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact the pastors or church council chair, Chris Ward. Thank you!
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