Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Children's Fun Hour Really Fun

For the summer during worship, children are invited downstairs for a fun time that has been planned out by Karen Jennings and Betty Splettstoesser. This is a less structured time than Sunday School, and kids are given the choice of three centers in which to engage. Before centers, the kids all circle up on mats on the floor for a Scripture reading and short devotion, sharing prayers, and passing around the offering basket. The Bible theme starting out is each day of creation. On the first day of creation we started out talking about how God created light and darkness. Some of the kids (and adults!) admitted they were afraid of the dark. But without the dark we would have no concept of light! The kids were very engaged in the short discussion.

The leaders then instruct the kids about the centers they can choose: Veggie Tales movie, a craft related to the Scripture theme, or quiet reading in a center with bean bags and a kid's tent. If kids don't take their craft home, they are hung on the walls of Ellis Hall to celebrate and praise God for our children.

We still need helpers throughout the summer, and there is a sign up list at church, or you can contact Betty Splettstoesser, Karen Jennings or Pastor Gwyneth. All materials pre-sorted and ready to go. It's so much fun and low commitment - just arrive at church about 20 minutes early to set up for a Sunday. Won't you sign up to help?

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