Saturday, December 01, 2007

What is Advent?

The word “advent” means “coming” or “arrival” and is the season in the church when we focus on Christ coming into the world as our Savior. The worship music, Scripture readings and prayers during Advent not only prepare us spiritually for Christmas (Christ's first coming) but also his eventual second coming. The mood of Advent is reflective and a bit solemn but expectantly hopeful, similar to the season before Easter called “Lent,” providing both a sense of anticipation, and a contrast of darkness with the joy of Christmas when we will celebrate the birth of Jesus who is the Light of the world!

How can we best prepare our hearts during the Advent season? One way is through daily reading and prayer, perhaps using the Peoples Advent Devotional books that were given out Sunday, December 2 which contain short writings by Peoples people. Faithfully attending worship provides an opportunity to experience the expectant hope of Advent as we light the Advent candles each week, sing hymns about the coming Savior, and hear the words of Scripture proclaimed.

Another common way to experience God's grace during the season of Advent (and Lent) is fasting. Fasting means abstaining from something, usually food for some period of time, certain meals, or on some regular frequency. But there are many kinds of fasts. One can fast from using their credit card, or fast from TV, or fast from junk food. Fasting provides a wonderful reminder to pray - when we hunger for that which we crave, we are instead reminded to pray. Fasting helps us to realize what we are holding on to too tightly in this world, and shifts our attention instead onto our beautiful Savior.

Fasting also provides additional time for prayer and missions - think of what we could do with those 3 hours of not watching TV, or the uneaten food we could provide to someone in need. Sometimes Christians experience great renewal during fasts, other times we feel nothing at all. But we know that Jesus fasted and prayed, and taught his disciples to do likewise. We do this in faithfulness to God, trusting in his grace.

The pastors are fasting as a family this Advent, including our daughters and baby! We are fasting from eating out. A little less McDonalds will do us all some good, and we are bound to spend more time as a family at home together too. What a perfect way to prepare for Christmas.

May God bless you in your fasting, whenever you might feel led to try it out! We are sure to appreciate the feast of Christmas that much more.

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