Monday, December 10, 2007

Advent Study - Preparing the Way for the Lord!

Many folks know Ruth McLellan as a very active member of Peoples, but in recent years has had more difficulty getting out of the house so isn't able to attend church. Folks visit Ruth, but it's not quite the same as the kind of connection shared with those who are blessed to be able to attend worship, Sunday School or other church activities throughout the week.

In contemplating this dilemma, and also wondering where we should host an Advent study, we found an answer to both by meeting in Ruth's home.

Pastor Gwyneth has been leading, and attendees in addition to Ruth have included Polly Morrill, Earle and Wealthy Harvey. We have been using a text called Devotional Classics from Renovare, which includes a few pages of reading from Christians spanning 1st to 20th centuries, as well as Scripture, discussion questions, and devotional exercises. We began with C.S. Lewis in the 20th century (1898-1963), and have gone back in time to read John of the Cross (1542-1591), Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153), and we will finish up on December 17 with Augustine (354-430). The theme of these sessions as been "Preparing for the Spiritual Life" which was perfect for Advent.

The discussions have been encouraging for all of us, and we have all gone deeper in our faith together. We are planning to begin another session from the same Devotional Classics text in January on the topic of The Prayer-Filled Life, and will read from folks such as Thomas Merton, Julian of Norwich, Henri Nouwen and Soren Kierkegaard. We also have tentative plans to host a Lenten study on the topic of The Virtuous Life, which would contain readings from Gregory of Nyssa, John Calvin, Blaise Pascal and Teresa of Avila.

Next session will begin Monday, January 7 at 10am at the home of Ruth McLellan, and will meet for 5 weeks. Please let Pastor Gwyneth know if you would like materials as we will be ordering shortly.

Thank you Ruth for opening your home! And thank you God for growing us closer to You through each other.

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