Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Keep Those Pledges Coming In!

The Financial Secretary, Keith Snoddy reports that there are 20 pledges in so far, which is about half what we had for 2007. If you are intending to pledge for 2008, please let Keith know soon. Thank you!

Why does the church encourage pledging rather than just offering our gifts each week? Some might answer that it’s good business. And it is, and we certainly look at our budget forecast in light of expected income for the year as good stewards of our resources. But an even better reason to pledge is that the church is not a business but God’s family. As family members we do what’s best for our family even when that means personal sacrifice.

However, the greatest reason to pledge is that it helps us grow as Christians because it involves much more trust in the Lord. Pledging involves catching up on our gifts even when we are unable to attend worship. Pledging involves setting aside a portion of our income in advance and dedicating it to the Lord because we are loved and want to return that love. Pledging involves doing all of this when we don’t know what we may need to sacrifice buying in order to remain faithful to our pledge. Pledging takes a leap of faith. But when we are faithful to the Lord, we will find ourselves in his arms on the other side, and know ourselves blessed many times over.

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