Saturday, September 01, 2007

Exciting Changes for Kids Sunday School

As many of you know, Rosemary Herd has stepped down after many faithful years serving as Sunday School Superintendent. And Linda Wade also after 20 years of service is stepping down from Sunday School leadership. How does one thank such a faithful servants who love our children so much? But we do offer thanks to God for you. And the kids most of all!

Andy Folley has agreed to step up to fill the superintendent role, and has some exciting changes in mind. The biggest change is the proposal for the kids Sunday School to meet during worship. The kids will begin in worship and then go down to Sunday School after the children's message. One of the main reasons for this change is that some of the parents feel that the length of time between Sunday School, Coffee Fellowship/Choir Rehearsal and Worship is too long for the little ones. The proposal is to try this schedule for one year and then reevaluate.

An exciting new curriculum will be used called David C. Cook, and kids will be broken into groups so they are learning among peers their own age. These include: The Lambs preschool group for ages 2-4 (meeting in the nursery), The Kangaroos lower elementary school group for ages 4-7, and The Lions upper elementary school group for ages 7-11. Currently we have not purchased a middle school curriclum but hope to begin weekly youth group with a learning component for ages 11-14.

The curriclum is broken into 4 week units, and teachers and aides will be scheduled for each unit. One issue that the pastors have raised with the new schedule is that the kids need opportunities to learn about and experience what it means to worship God. Ideas are forming around how Communion Sundays may provide an opportunity to break from the normal routine, either with the kids worshipping together downstairs or remaining in the Sanctuary with the whole congregation. These ideas would also allow teachers to be in worship regularly and not miss Communion. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Please invite friends and family with children 2-11 to try out Sunday School. And most importantly, please be praying for our children, teachers and the whole Sunday School program. Kids Sunday School will start up on September 23. Teachers for the first unit will include Andy Folley (Lions), Teresa Folley (Kangaroos) and Karen Jennings (Lambs).

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