Thursday, June 28, 2007

Celebration Through the Eyes of an Angell

An email by Susan Angell

Man oh man, do we Methodists know how to throw a party. First there was the guest book to sign, then the name tags to make out and don and then the camera gal, Kathy Brann took your picture. George Murray, Karen Darling's son, video taped all the people and activity. This was done so that Hillie, who is still in the hospital, could enjoy seeing party activities at a later time. The people that organized this affair certainly knew what they were doing.
Malcolm was set up in a nice easy chair with chairs around for people to sit and talk with him. So like a mini living room.
Testimonies to Malcolm were given by words from Rev. William Beddie, Tom Nelson, Art Tordoff, Rosemary Herd, Ray Cornilis, the organist for Merrill Auditorium and Pastor Jamie. Malcolm spoke about how his music ministry would not be possible without his wonderful wife, Hillie.
Our talented Betty Smith presented Malcolm with a blanket knitted by her with all the words of the traditional Easter hymn, The Palms. What a thoughtful gift.
Around the room tables were set up with table cloths, flowers and musical notes confetti. There was a wonderful big sheet cake from Hannafords, gifted by UMW and designed by Karen Darling ...a picture of Malcolm at the organ, musical notes and key board in frosting, and a lovely message. There was a table groaning with sweets of every kind made by tons of people. Workers in the kitchen, directed by Brad, buzzed around with activity. "Methodist Punch" was served. The thing that non Methodist people don't know, is this punch is lethal. It tastes absolutely yummy but it makes you thirsty and you want more. With 2 or 3 glasses of the stuff and lots of the sweets, you can get a sugar high quickly and act weird in about 15 minutes after intake. This makes children very active and adults silly. Some of us never learn and continue to over indulge.
Betsy Morrison took home all the cards and mementos given and will make a memory book for Hillie and Malcolm. Very thoughtful.
This open house was attended by lots of people that have enjoyed Malcolm's music over the years and plenty of old good friends. People's people were there too and everyone had a grand time. I think Malcolm knows how much we all love and appreciate him, had a good time and was honored by this party. I know I had fun.

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