Luncheon To Discuss the Budget
About 25 people stayed after the service on May 6th to hear about our church's budget situation and discuss ideas for turning it around. We discussed the budget from the top - the pastors' package down through the building expenses, mission shares, administrative costs and down to our meager spending on ministry. We found a few areas of potential savings in utilities and administrative costs and a few fund raising ideas. In short, it is clear that the budget will only be balenced by an increase in the amount our members bring forward to share together as a church family. We discussed what our budget might look like if we were all tithing - that is bringing the first 10% of our income to hold together. The result could be as much as a $40,000 or more surplus that could be going to new ministries or even helping out members in sudden need. The bottom line, is that God has blessed our church family with enough resources to more than just support our local church. Rather, we have enough to have an abundance of ministry. With this attitude of abundance, we are asking for every regular giver to increase their pledge by 1% of your annual income. This should raise an additional $10,000 in just the second half of this year. So far, only a few people have turned in specific pledge increases, but these few amount to almost a quarter of that goal. If we all bring together a full portion, we will be growing into an attitude of abundance that will carry over to our other ministries of reaching out. I am sure this change can bring about growth, not just in financial stability, but especially in our spiritual lives as we learn to depend more fully on God.
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