Sunday, October 29, 2006

Mission Focus for November - Hunger

Think globally - United Methodist can make a big difference in the lives of hungry people by supporting UMCOR and Bread for the World. In this way, you will be joining 55,000 others - individuals, families, churches, and religious organizations - who are working together to persuade our nation's decision-makers to adopt policies that will help end hunger in God's world.

For three decades, Bread for the World had worked with leaders from both political parties to craft legislation that gives hungry people - both in the United States and overseas - the tools and resources they need to feed their families and make a living. By supporting Bread for the World, United Methodists join Christians from many other denominations in a strong ecumenical witness to Congress and the White House.

Act locally - We will once again be collecting food for the The South Portland/Cape Elizabeth Emergency Food Pantry during the month of November. Food will begin to collect along the altar rail and be delivered to the pantry at the end of the month. The pantry provides short-term emergency food to fill in gaps before other programs are able to respond. The demand has been high and their shelves are getting low. Please help fill them up and fill up our neighbors in need.

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