The Gathering, a new creative and interactive worship experience, has been an exciting new opportunity for many. The evening begins with a family-style dinner such as pizza or sphagetti. Then folks gather for worship, usually in a large circle to increase the sense of community, but the seating may vary depending on the night's theme. Contemporary style worship is provided through I-Worship videos, and visuals are used to inspire the senses as we worship.

We are working through a sermon series on "Who is Jesus" using the "I am" sayings from the Gospel of John. This past week on October 1, the theme of "Living Water" was enhanced by a baptismal font which was used later for a hand-washing ceremony. As we heard the Scriptures about Jesus providing us with Living Water, we could hear the children playing nearby with a large water toy -- sounds of living water and joyful noises. All are welcome, and bring a friend!
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