Thursday, September 28, 2006

October Schedule: Ushers, Greeters, etc.

Ushers, greeters, coffee fellowship workers, nursery workers ... These ministries are vital not only to our current worship experience but also for the future of Peoples Church. If any of these ministries should cease to exist due to lack of workers, it could greatly jeopardize the mission of our church. So a BIG thankyou to all who currently serve in these areas!

Statistics say that visitors and newcomers do not primarily judge a church by the sermon. Perceptions begin the moment they step out of their car or enter our door. Are they greeted warmly so they feel welcomed but not overwhelmed? Do they receive instructions about the facilities? Do they receive a bulletin so they can follow along in the worship without confusion? Is there quality nursery care so that they can leave young children in our care and feel safe doing so?

Every current active attendee at Peoples needs to seriously and prayerfully consider taking on at least one of these responsibiltities. Not necessarily because we feel particularly gifted in these areas, but because we are members of a family that we want to flourish and grow. These ministries are primarily aimed at newcomers: future family members! It may even become difficult for the pastor who is not leading the service to come worship with our children if the nursury is insufficiently staffed. With a full schedule of nursury help, we may be able to lead worship together more often.

In our church family, we want folks to be serving primarily in an area that they feel called, gifted, and passioned to serve. For example, if someone has a heart and gifts for teaching, they can find any number of ways to serve in our discipleship ministries. And the body works best when each person takes on one major ministry (rather than 10!).

However, serving as an usher or nursery worker once every three months is not what is meant by "major ministry." These are more likened to weekly "household responsibilites" (like vacuuming and dusting, cleaning dishes, food shopping, preparing meals, etc.) - everyone needs to take part for a house to run efficiently and be prepared for guests who might unexpectedly drop in! It is easy for all of these tasks to fall to an increasingly small group that can then get worn out trying to keep up.

Perhaps you do not agree with this assessment of "family responsibilities." What are your opinions? We'd love to have a "family talk" -- just click on the comment button at the end of the article.

And please contact the area coordinator where you can serve!

Coffee Fellowship Coordinator: Brad and Betsy Morrison
October Fellowship Team: Brad and Betsy Morrison

Ushers Usher Coordinator: Charlie Lyons
October Usher Team: __________

Ushers Greeter Coordinator: Barbara Nelson
October Greeters:
Oct 1 Paul & Sharon Obie
Oct 8 Rosemary Herd
Oct 15 Sue Angell
Oct 22 Art & Marlene Tordoff
Oct 29 __________

Worship Leader Coordinator: Chris Ward
October Worship Leader: Dan Doughty

Nursery Coordinator: Barbara Nelson
October Nursery Workers:

Oct 1 Barbara Nelson & Betty Splettstoesser
Oct 8 Betty Splettstoesser & Ellen Dunn
Oct 15 Andy Folley & Ken West
Oct 22 Linda Greer & Leah Greer
Oct 29 ______________ & Pastor Jamie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greeters October 22
Art and Marlene Tordoff