Thursday, September 28, 2006

Increasing Our Inheritance

Our stewardship campaign this year builds on our study of tithing last year. Last year we found that the tithe was not a tax or a donation, but God's provision for us to have enough to bring together for a big party. This year, we begin by recognizing that the family we inherit from God is our church family.

The Old Testament Law provided for a community that guaranteed everyone a home, a family and a community of support. The failure of their system of support came not as a punishment for sin, but simply by failing to live up to the standard set by the law. Likewise, God has provided us with a community and we have pledged to support it in our membership vows with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service. If we do not bring the full portion God calls us to in all of these areas, we are robbing ourselves of the inheritance God intends to provide us with.

Let us take our call seriously by recommitting to these principals. First, we must pray for our church community. Secondly, we must serve in the manner God calls us. Third, we should increase the portion we bring together. We are increasing our pledge this year even though we are beyond the tithe. For those who have not yet tried tithing, please consider bringing a full 10% of a week's earnings on October 15th our Fall Tithing Sunday. Pray for God to provide all you need and remain aware of how God may be working through you for this opportunity. We will have our commitment Sunday to receive pledges on October 29th. Please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge.

Finally, let us consider increasing our presence. If you already attend regularly, how would you do this? Make a pledge to bring someone else to church. Beyond simply inviting someone, bring them under your wing and disciple them in the faith. Make a goal of having one serious disciple every ten years. This modest goal will more than double the size of our church in that time.

By being faithful in our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service, we will bring the increase in our family and inheritance that God promises us in this age and by faith in the age to come, eternal life.

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