From Chuck Kamilewicz
I felt I must give the glory to God for the help in Ellis Hall. First the partitions with 20 people working 5 hours. Some working an hour some working five on a hot day. Then the upright support removal and then the cleaning of the space over the Ellis Hall rooms and pink insulation installation. Yesterday and today the walls were all washed and spackled in preparation for painting. Then after it is painted, the electrical work and ceiling installation will transform the look of Ellis Hall to a bright welcoming space.
Nobody could have accomplished by themselves, nor all of us without God's help and strength. But a few stand out that need recognition. Doreen Gay who is guiding this project, is tenacious, and never stops. Walter Greer who gives of his strength, big truck and trailer. Kathy Brann who quietly shows up as time permits, digs in and continues to work. Sue Angel finished washing the walls by herself today. Dan Doughty and Hank Dunn for their expertise and wisdom. Countless others who had showed up and pitched in. I do remember each of you and what you have done in the name of the Lord.
Thank you All. Each of you really made a difference in this project.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Friday, September 29, 2006
We Have Begun To Gather
The Gathering, our new Sunday night contemporary service, has begun. About twenty people participated in the first service and we expect it to grow from there. The service includes upbeat music led by a projected video, participatory sermons and various means of response such as small group prayer, personal art projects or discussion.
By meeting in Ellis Hall, we have space to offer a variety of children's activities that coordinate with the service. We want to make this a family friendly service, so we will consider the children part of our joyful noise to the Lord.
Please join us for dinner at 5:30 and be ready to worship at 6pm! And bring a friend or two!
We will be focusing on "Who is Jesus" in the Gospel of John:
Sep 24: The Word
Oct 1: Living Water
Oct 8: Light of the World
Oct 15: Bread of Life
Oct 22: Eternally Existant I AM
Oct 29: Great Shepherd and the Gate
Nov 5: The Resurrection and the Life
Nov 12: The Way, the Truth and the Life
Nov 19: The Vine
Nov 26: The Holy
By meeting in Ellis Hall, we have space to offer a variety of children's activities that coordinate with the service. We want to make this a family friendly service, so we will consider the children part of our joyful noise to the Lord.
Please join us for dinner at 5:30 and be ready to worship at 6pm! And bring a friend or two!
We will be focusing on "Who is Jesus" in the Gospel of John:
Sep 24: The Word
Oct 1: Living Water
Oct 8: Light of the World
Oct 15: Bread of Life
Oct 22: Eternally Existant I AM
Oct 29: Great Shepherd and the Gate
Nov 5: The Resurrection and the Life
Nov 12: The Way, the Truth and the Life
Nov 19: The Vine
Nov 26: The Holy
Youth Group Underway!
The Peoples middle and high school youth group started up on Sunday, September 24, led by the pastors. The group began by attempting to instruct Pastor Gwyneth in making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...not a pretty site! We then talked about the youth group curriculum we will be using, Combos for Youth Groups. There will be specific focus themes for four-week segments, which include games, faith and life discussion, and time to share and connect with other youth. The youth also enjoyed finishing the evening playing Sardines! The youth are encouraged to stay for pizza, etc., followed by our new contemporary service, The Gathering.
We are also planning a number of special events for the youth group. The first of these is the Youth Super Bowl (see separate article) on October 20. Some additional ideas are a "lock-in" where the youth stay in the church building for a night, fasting and raising donations for world hunger, Christmas caroling, ski/sledding trip at Shawnee, and the August 2007 Soul Fest.
If you know of youth who want to connect with others their age, have a safe place to ask tough questions about faith and life issues, and do lots of fun and meaningful activities ... why not bring them over?
Sundays 4:30-5:30pm (followed by pizza, etc.)
The Gathering @ 6:00pm
We are also planning a number of special events for the youth group. The first of these is the Youth Super Bowl (see separate article) on October 20. Some additional ideas are a "lock-in" where the youth stay in the church building for a night, fasting and raising donations for world hunger, Christmas caroling, ski/sledding trip at Shawnee, and the August 2007 Soul Fest.
If you know of youth who want to connect with others their age, have a safe place to ask tough questions about faith and life issues, and do lots of fun and meaningful activities ... why not bring them over?
Sundays 4:30-5:30pm (followed by pizza, etc.)
The Gathering @ 6:00pm
Super Bowl - Not What You Think!
We are planning on bringing the middle and high school youth to the Super Bowl this year on October 20. It will involve staying up ALL NIGHT, but it won't involve football. This is a Christian event sponsored by Word of Life.
The event actually begins with a Portland Pirates hockey game starting at 6:30pm, followed by a Christian speaker. Then the games begin; youth are invited down on the ice to play games and win prizes until about midnight. After this, youth groups travel to various fun events around town such as bowling, skating and open gym until about 6am!
All middle and high school youth are invited to attend, even if they have not yet attended the youth group meetings. So spread the Word of Life!
The event actually begins with a Portland Pirates hockey game starting at 6:30pm, followed by a Christian speaker. Then the games begin; youth are invited down on the ice to play games and win prizes until about midnight. After this, youth groups travel to various fun events around town such as bowling, skating and open gym until about 6am!
All middle and high school youth are invited to attend, even if they have not yet attended the youth group meetings. So spread the Word of Life!
Sunday School - What's Next?
The pastors' six week studies are more than half way completed: Introduction to the Bible, and Survey of the Gospel of Mark, but you are still welcome to join. The pastors will be leading two more classes beginning October 26th.
Pastor Gwyneth will be leading a six-week class called SHAPE, which stands for Spiritual Gifts, Heart for ministry, Abilities, Personality and Experience. A pilot study was completed this summer with rave reviews.
Pastor Jamie's class will look at the problem of evil - why bad things happen by studying various sections of the Bible. This six week class will focus on the scriptural observations of the participants.
Art Tordoff's class on "Parables from the Backside" by Asbury professor Ellsworth Kalas will be continuing. The book is excellent and organized to make it easy to join in on any chapter.
If you have not yet, please consider joining one of these classes.
Pastor Gwyneth will be leading a six-week class called SHAPE, which stands for Spiritual Gifts, Heart for ministry, Abilities, Personality and Experience. A pilot study was completed this summer with rave reviews.
Pastor Jamie's class will look at the problem of evil - why bad things happen by studying various sections of the Bible. This six week class will focus on the scriptural observations of the participants.
Art Tordoff's class on "Parables from the Backside" by Asbury professor Ellsworth Kalas will be continuing. The book is excellent and organized to make it easy to join in on any chapter.
If you have not yet, please consider joining one of these classes.
Monthly Mission Focus October
UNICEF is October's mission focus, and you might have already seen the communication board in Ellis Hall. UNICEF is a world-wide organization working to help children. "Every year 10 million children die totally preventable deaths. Six million of these lives could be saved by basic, cost-effective measures," according to their website In addition to nutritian and helping to provide basic needs for children throughout the world, UNICEF also works in areas of education and gender equality, advocacy, children with HIV/AIDS, protection from exploitation and assisting children in times of natural disaster. One of the youth will be presenting more on UNICEF on the 4th Sunday in October so come on out and show your support. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Earle Harvey for more information.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bean Supper and a Movie

The first bean supper of the season included a free showing of the movie, Eight Below, with about 15 people attending. This was a great time, and hope even more will stay for the next post-supper movie.
The supper is scheduled for October 21, and we will be showing the Disney/ Pixar film The Incredibles. This fun and thoughtful movie challenges folks of all ages with the question, "How do you use your special gifts?"
Maternity/Paternity Leave
As you know, the pastors are expecting their third child in January! (Yes, it's a boy!). The pastors have been working with the Staff-Parish Relations Committee, District Superintendent, Board of Ordained Ministry and Church Council to facilitate their leave time. The UMC denomination provides 8 weeks of paid leave time and an additional 4 weeks of unpaid leave. However, the pastors who serve together as one full time charge, have requested less than this maximum. Their request has been approved for the following plan: Pastor Gwyneth will take 6 weeks of maternity leave. Pastor Jamie will take 4 weeks of paternity leave at the same time but return to work two weeks sooner. We will also be taking one of our vacation weeks during Faith's school vacation, so this may make the leave seem longer.
We are applying for funds to get an appointed interim pastor to serve part time for the four weeks both of us will be off. We will also be working to form ministry teams to handle minor visitation issues. If there are major emergencies at the church, we will be available through our voice mail. We are excited to have the increase in our own family as well as in the Peoples family!
We are applying for funds to get an appointed interim pastor to serve part time for the four weeks both of us will be off. We will also be working to form ministry teams to handle minor visitation issues. If there are major emergencies at the church, we will be available through our voice mail. We are excited to have the increase in our own family as well as in the Peoples family!
October Birthdays and Anniversaires
2 Matthew Seidl
3 Rebecca Snoddy
4 Betty Lane
Christopher Seidl
6 Courtney Skidmore
10 Maryjean Raymond
12 Aaron Thomas Matthews
13 Ellen Dunn
14 Ryan Gay
17 Carol Campbell
Parker Wells
18 Ellie Wells
20 Faith Arrison
21 Sally Smith
22 Kayla Huelin
26 Gwendolyn C. Shaw
29 Sally Seidl
30 Bruce Wellington
31 Earle (Lew) Louis Harvey, Jr.
6 Richard & Cheryl Matthews
9 Michael & Barbara Kenney
21 Hank & Ellen Dunn
23 Christopher & Sarah Brann
30 Brad & Betsy Morrison
2 Matthew Seidl
3 Rebecca Snoddy
4 Betty Lane
Christopher Seidl
6 Courtney Skidmore
10 Maryjean Raymond
12 Aaron Thomas Matthews
13 Ellen Dunn
14 Ryan Gay
17 Carol Campbell
Parker Wells
18 Ellie Wells
20 Faith Arrison
21 Sally Smith
22 Kayla Huelin
26 Gwendolyn C. Shaw
29 Sally Seidl
30 Bruce Wellington
31 Earle (Lew) Louis Harvey, Jr.
6 Richard & Cheryl Matthews
9 Michael & Barbara Kenney
21 Hank & Ellen Dunn
23 Christopher & Sarah Brann
30 Brad & Betsy Morrison
October Schedule: Ushers, Greeters, etc.
Ushers, greeters, coffee fellowship workers, nursery workers ... These ministries are vital not only to our current worship experience but also for the future of Peoples Church. If any of these ministries should cease to exist due to lack of workers, it could greatly jeopardize the mission of our church. So a BIG thankyou to all who currently serve in these areas!
Statistics say that visitors and newcomers do not primarily judge a church by the sermon. Perceptions begin the moment they step out of their car or enter our door. Are they greeted warmly so they feel welcomed but not overwhelmed? Do they receive instructions about the facilities? Do they receive a bulletin so they can follow along in the worship without confusion? Is there quality nursery care so that they can leave young children in our care and feel safe doing so?
Every current active attendee at Peoples needs to seriously and prayerfully consider taking on at least one of these responsibiltities. Not necessarily because we feel particularly gifted in these areas, but because we are members of a family that we want to flourish and grow. These ministries are primarily aimed at newcomers: future family members! It may even become difficult for the pastor who is not leading the service to come worship with our children if the nursury is insufficiently staffed. With a full schedule of nursury help, we may be able to lead worship together more often.
In our church family, we want folks to be serving primarily in an area that they feel called, gifted, and passioned to serve. For example, if someone has a heart and gifts for teaching, they can find any number of ways to serve in our discipleship ministries. And the body works best when each person takes on one major ministry (rather than 10!).
However, serving as an usher or nursery worker once every three months is not what is meant by "major ministry." These are more likened to weekly "household responsibilites" (like vacuuming and dusting, cleaning dishes, food shopping, preparing meals, etc.) - everyone needs to take part for a house to run efficiently and be prepared for guests who might unexpectedly drop in! It is easy for all of these tasks to fall to an increasingly small group that can then get worn out trying to keep up.
Perhaps you do not agree with this assessment of "family responsibilities." What are your opinions? We'd love to have a "family talk" -- just click on the comment button at the end of the article.
And please contact the area coordinator where you can serve!
Coffee Fellowship Coordinator: Brad and Betsy Morrison
October Fellowship Team: Brad and Betsy Morrison
Ushers Usher Coordinator: Charlie Lyons
October Usher Team: __________
Ushers Greeter Coordinator: Barbara Nelson
October Greeters:
Oct 1 Paul & Sharon Obie
Oct 8 Rosemary Herd
Oct 15 Sue Angell
Oct 22 Art & Marlene Tordoff
Oct 29 __________
Worship Leader Coordinator: Chris Ward
October Worship Leader: Dan Doughty
Nursery Coordinator: Barbara Nelson
October Nursery Workers:
Oct 1 Barbara Nelson & Betty Splettstoesser
Oct 8 Betty Splettstoesser & Ellen Dunn
Oct 15 Andy Folley & Ken West
Oct 22 Linda Greer & Leah Greer
Oct 29 ______________ & Pastor Jamie
Statistics say that visitors and newcomers do not primarily judge a church by the sermon. Perceptions begin the moment they step out of their car or enter our door. Are they greeted warmly so they feel welcomed but not overwhelmed? Do they receive instructions about the facilities? Do they receive a bulletin so they can follow along in the worship without confusion? Is there quality nursery care so that they can leave young children in our care and feel safe doing so?
Every current active attendee at Peoples needs to seriously and prayerfully consider taking on at least one of these responsibiltities. Not necessarily because we feel particularly gifted in these areas, but because we are members of a family that we want to flourish and grow. These ministries are primarily aimed at newcomers: future family members! It may even become difficult for the pastor who is not leading the service to come worship with our children if the nursury is insufficiently staffed. With a full schedule of nursury help, we may be able to lead worship together more often.
In our church family, we want folks to be serving primarily in an area that they feel called, gifted, and passioned to serve. For example, if someone has a heart and gifts for teaching, they can find any number of ways to serve in our discipleship ministries. And the body works best when each person takes on one major ministry (rather than 10!).
However, serving as an usher or nursery worker once every three months is not what is meant by "major ministry." These are more likened to weekly "household responsibilites" (like vacuuming and dusting, cleaning dishes, food shopping, preparing meals, etc.) - everyone needs to take part for a house to run efficiently and be prepared for guests who might unexpectedly drop in! It is easy for all of these tasks to fall to an increasingly small group that can then get worn out trying to keep up.
Perhaps you do not agree with this assessment of "family responsibilities." What are your opinions? We'd love to have a "family talk" -- just click on the comment button at the end of the article.
And please contact the area coordinator where you can serve!
Coffee Fellowship Coordinator: Brad and Betsy Morrison
October Fellowship Team: Brad and Betsy Morrison
Ushers Usher Coordinator: Charlie Lyons
October Usher Team: __________
Ushers Greeter Coordinator: Barbara Nelson
October Greeters:
Oct 1 Paul & Sharon Obie
Oct 8 Rosemary Herd
Oct 15 Sue Angell
Oct 22 Art & Marlene Tordoff
Oct 29 __________
Worship Leader Coordinator: Chris Ward
October Worship Leader: Dan Doughty
Nursery Coordinator: Barbara Nelson
October Nursery Workers:
Oct 1 Barbara Nelson & Betty Splettstoesser
Oct 8 Betty Splettstoesser & Ellen Dunn
Oct 15 Andy Folley & Ken West
Oct 22 Linda Greer & Leah Greer
Oct 29 ______________ & Pastor Jamie
Church/Charge Conference Nov 12
The Peoples Church annual church / charge conference is scheduled for Sunday, November 12. The timeslot immediately after morning worship was not available so we will be meeting at 3:30pm, with Staff-Parish Relations Committee meeting during the hour before. The district superintendent, Rev. Mike Davis, will be leading us in this special time of Christian conferencing together.
Committee chairs and ministry leaders, please begin submitting reports to the church secretary either in writing or by email ( Reports are due no later than Friday, October 27. Pastor Jamie will be coordinating this effort so you may forward any questions to
Committee chairs and ministry leaders, please begin submitting reports to the church secretary either in writing or by email ( Reports are due no later than Friday, October 27. Pastor Jamie will be coordinating this effort so you may forward any questions to
Upcoming Wedding at Peoples

Pastor Gwyneth has been providing pre-marital counseling with a young couple from Portland, Nathan Sirois and Rebecca Pilling. They will be married at Peoples on November 4th. The pastors require six 2-hour sessions of counseling, which is a wonderful opportunity for couples to gain the tools necessary for a healthy and lasting marriage. To facilitate this counseling, the couple takes a relationship inventory called Prepare-Enrich, which helps to guide the conversation around the couple's growing edges as well as strengths to see them through the years ahead. The pastors hope that Peoples will consider embracing a marriage policy as a church body to encourage healthy marriages in our community. A draft policy has been reviewed by Church Council.
Peoples Hosts Tri-State District Event

On Sunday, September 17 , Peoples hosted over 100 clergy and lay people for a seminar on creating healthy boundaries in our churches and preventing sexual misconduct. The seminar is required for all clergy, but about half of the attendees were lay people. Brad Morrison coordinated snacks and dinner for the event, which was held between 2-8:30pm, assisted by Art Tordoff. Betty "Splettstoesser and Betty Lane also assisted with childcare, and a few others came in to assist in the kitchen as well. We received many gracious comments about the facility and dinner, and so we pass this along to you! Thank you to all who made this event possible.
Increasing Our Inheritance
Our stewardship campaign this year builds on our study of tithing last year. Last year we found that the tithe was not a tax or a donation, but God's provision for us to have enough to bring together for a big party. This year, we begin by recognizing that the family we inherit from God is our church family.
The Old Testament Law provided for a community that guaranteed everyone a home, a family and a community of support. The failure of their system of support came not as a punishment for sin, but simply by failing to live up to the standard set by the law. Likewise, God has provided us with a community and we have pledged to support it in our membership vows with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service. If we do not bring the full portion God calls us to in all of these areas, we are robbing ourselves of the inheritance God intends to provide us with.
Let us take our call seriously by recommitting to these principals. First, we must pray for our church community. Secondly, we must serve in the manner God calls us. Third, we should increase the portion we bring together. We are increasing our pledge this year even though we are beyond the tithe. For those who have not yet tried tithing, please consider bringing a full 10% of a week's earnings on October 15th our Fall Tithing Sunday. Pray for God to provide all you need and remain aware of how God may be working through you for this opportunity. We will have our commitment Sunday to receive pledges on October 29th. Please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge.
Finally, let us consider increasing our presence. If you already attend regularly, how would you do this? Make a pledge to bring someone else to church. Beyond simply inviting someone, bring them under your wing and disciple them in the faith. Make a goal of having one serious disciple every ten years. This modest goal will more than double the size of our church in that time.
By being faithful in our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service, we will bring the increase in our family and inheritance that God promises us in this age and by faith in the age to come, eternal life.
The Old Testament Law provided for a community that guaranteed everyone a home, a family and a community of support. The failure of their system of support came not as a punishment for sin, but simply by failing to live up to the standard set by the law. Likewise, God has provided us with a community and we have pledged to support it in our membership vows with our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service. If we do not bring the full portion God calls us to in all of these areas, we are robbing ourselves of the inheritance God intends to provide us with.
Let us take our call seriously by recommitting to these principals. First, we must pray for our church community. Secondly, we must serve in the manner God calls us. Third, we should increase the portion we bring together. We are increasing our pledge this year even though we are beyond the tithe. For those who have not yet tried tithing, please consider bringing a full 10% of a week's earnings on October 15th our Fall Tithing Sunday. Pray for God to provide all you need and remain aware of how God may be working through you for this opportunity. We will have our commitment Sunday to receive pledges on October 29th. Please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge.
Finally, let us consider increasing our presence. If you already attend regularly, how would you do this? Make a pledge to bring someone else to church. Beyond simply inviting someone, bring them under your wing and disciple them in the faith. Make a goal of having one serious disciple every ten years. This modest goal will more than double the size of our church in that time.
By being faithful in our prayers, our presence, our gifts and our service, we will bring the increase in our family and inheritance that God promises us in this age and by faith in the age to come, eternal life.
Model Community

When Earle Harvey signed up Peoples to put on a dinner and worships service at the Root Cellar in Portland, it seemed like we were there to help them. Little did I know they had much more to offer to us.
The first challenge for the evening came when the director called aside a few of our number to go out and gather the kids from the neighborhood and invite them to dinner. Doreen Gay was one that reluctantly went on the adventure. Before long, it was clear that it was a fun time to meet the local kids of various nationalities that were glad to join the gang for a meal. She said that it was a very special opportunity and much more joyful than scary once they got going under the confident leadership of our hosts.
The next surprise came for me as I sat down to meet some of the group coming for the meal. It seemed everyone I met was a volunteer. I thought, I wanted to meet those from the community, not the volunteers. It took me a while to figure out, all those volunteers were the same folk from the community that the Root Cellar was there to help.
They have an excellent model for Christian ministry that invites people to both receive their hospitality as well as joining the community offering hospitality. The Root Cellar offers medical and dental services, youth and adult classes in reading, English and computers and afterschool programs, a teen center and much more.
It was a privilege to serve there. It was a safe, comfortable and pleasant place to both see and be the Body of Christ at work. Please join with us the next time we get a chance to serve there.
Tri-State District Conference

Pastor Gwyneth and Shirley Wallace attended the Tri-State District Conference on Saturday, September 23 held at St. Johns UMC in NH. In the past, this conference has mostly been business meeting style. However, this Fall conference brought some new vision from our new District Superintendants, Revs. Mike and Jan Davis. Worship included testimonies of personal faith and missional callings. And after some of the business was taken care of, workshops were offered on a variety of topics. Shirley and Gwyneth attended one workshop led by Rev. David Calhoun at the W. Scarborough UMC on growing congregations by becoming more welcoming of visitors, and one where we could ask the district superintendents any question on our minds. Both workshops were very informative, and Shirley or Gwyneth would be happy to talk to you about them.
Fun and Informative Party

With food, games and a wonderful presentation by the South Portland Fire Department, it was a great place to be on a rainy day. Tom Blake's presentation covered not just fire safety, but full home safety including electrical, drowning and falling accidents. He used an interactive demonstration home that helped the kids search for hazards and hidden surprises. The rain probably kept away some of the crowd, but all who attended had a great time. Fliers went out to a large part of our neighborhood so many beyond those in attendance have a new sense of what we are up to as a church.
One neighbor from Mussey St. offered to help plan next year's celebration.
Circle of Friends
It has been some time since I've had any news from A Circle Of Friends in the newsletter. Earlier this year, upon learning of my health issues, I stepped down as Chairman of A Circle Of Friends and turned it over to Urs Schweizer in Zurich until I decided to continue this ministry, or close it down. In July, I decided to continue it.
I have been working with the people in England at the Peace One Day project. This year we have been coordinating with numerous other peace organizations at repeatedly contacting world leaders and United Nations ambassadors asking them to recognize UN Resolution A55282 - a global day of peace on September 21. This is much like the Just 1 Day effort that we led out of Peoples Church in 2004. In fact, many of the other groups working on it also helped ACOF do Just 1 Day - Bridges For Peace, Grandmothers For Peace, Global Council of Peace, Women in Black and the Star Council. What great friends we've made as the battle for peace continues.
I have also been dealing with new friends on the other side of the Atlantic about a little project we have been working on for over a year now called The Chrysalis Project. While nothing may come of it, it's still always nice to add new friends to our fellowship.
Regina in China reports that there has been an upturn in government attempts to end their bible ministry there through violent raids with much destruction and injury. They usually gather in groups of 80 to 120 to worship in places where they won't attract attention but government and local authorities will only allow so much before they crack down again and again. Keep these pioneers for God in your prayers.
Please also remember to keep in your prayers: Our brothers and sisters at All Saints Church in Beirut as a fragile cease fire takes hold. We still have not heard if they have returned to church or even if there IS a church still there.
Our brothers and sisters in Mexico which is going through a VERY uneasy and potentially dangerous time with President Fox stepping down and two different men claiming the presidency.
Jean Pierre & Chantal van Noppen In Brussels, Belgium need our continued prayers for Chantal's VERY serious illness. Pastor Dung Nguyen in Vietnam has been forced out of his church by the local government there and is searching for guidance.
Carol Partridge of Macedonia, who worked with us here during our Meals On Wheels outreach this spring just got married and is coming home to the United States in a few weeks. She may stop to join our worship service on October 29th and maybe even talk about HER Meals On Wheels at the UMC in Macedonia.
And lastly, I need help! I am putting together a booklet called "Christmas Around The World" that is, essentially complete. But I want to make and sell copies of it to raise funds for ACOF efforts and I need help printing, collating, binding and promoting it here at church, the church fair, etc. Does Peoples have a binding machine? Would anyone like to help me put a few together? I have a master copy complete if anyone would like to see it.
Till next time
Kevin Malcom
I have been working with the people in England at the Peace One Day project. This year we have been coordinating with numerous other peace organizations at repeatedly contacting world leaders and United Nations ambassadors asking them to recognize UN Resolution A55282 - a global day of peace on September 21. This is much like the Just 1 Day effort that we led out of Peoples Church in 2004. In fact, many of the other groups working on it also helped ACOF do Just 1 Day - Bridges For Peace, Grandmothers For Peace, Global Council of Peace, Women in Black and the Star Council. What great friends we've made as the battle for peace continues.
I have also been dealing with new friends on the other side of the Atlantic about a little project we have been working on for over a year now called The Chrysalis Project. While nothing may come of it, it's still always nice to add new friends to our fellowship.
Regina in China reports that there has been an upturn in government attempts to end their bible ministry there through violent raids with much destruction and injury. They usually gather in groups of 80 to 120 to worship in places where they won't attract attention but government and local authorities will only allow so much before they crack down again and again. Keep these pioneers for God in your prayers.
Please also remember to keep in your prayers: Our brothers and sisters at All Saints Church in Beirut as a fragile cease fire takes hold. We still have not heard if they have returned to church or even if there IS a church still there.
Our brothers and sisters in Mexico which is going through a VERY uneasy and potentially dangerous time with President Fox stepping down and two different men claiming the presidency.
Jean Pierre & Chantal van Noppen In Brussels, Belgium need our continued prayers for Chantal's VERY serious illness. Pastor Dung Nguyen in Vietnam has been forced out of his church by the local government there and is searching for guidance.
Carol Partridge of Macedonia, who worked with us here during our Meals On Wheels outreach this spring just got married and is coming home to the United States in a few weeks. She may stop to join our worship service on October 29th and maybe even talk about HER Meals On Wheels at the UMC in Macedonia.
And lastly, I need help! I am putting together a booklet called "Christmas Around The World" that is, essentially complete. But I want to make and sell copies of it to raise funds for ACOF efforts and I need help printing, collating, binding and promoting it here at church, the church fair, etc. Does Peoples have a binding machine? Would anyone like to help me put a few together? I have a master copy complete if anyone would like to see it.
Till next time
Kevin Malcom
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Pastors' Date Night Changing

However, now that the sailing season is coming to a close, and Pastor Gwyneth would like to attend choir rehearsals Wednesdays, the pastors will be switching their date night to Mondays as of the second week in October. As on family days, they will not answer the cell phone during their date time but will return calls the next day, except in the case of an emergency.
Weekly Holy Communion
The founder of Methodism, John Wesley, received Holy Communion as often as possible - generally every day! But it seems we have moved away from this tradition. Most United Methodist churches today only offer Communion quarterly or monthly. During the last meeting of the General Conference in 2004, however, the recommendation was made for churches to begin offering Communion at least weekly. We have also heard some requests from parishioners, including the youth, that they would love to celebrate Communion every week. So here is your opportunity ...
Holy Communion will continue to be offered (generally) on the first Sunday of the month as part of the morning worship service. On all other weeks, Holy Communion will be offered after the normal conclusion of worship. The preaching pastor will greet people leaving, while the other pastor (after retreiving the kids from nursery!) will officiate a short Communion service up front, lasting about 10 minutes. All are welcome at the table who wish to meet Jesus there! We have been offering this time of Communion for the last few weeks and would love your feedback.
During Communion Sundays, after the conclusion of worship we will offer a time of prayer at the altar, and anointing with oil as a special healing service. If you feel led to assist in this ministry by praying with folks as they come forward, please see the pastors or lay leader (Chris Ward). This prayer and healing service will be offered monthly starting this Sunday, October 1.
Holy Communion will continue to be offered (generally) on the first Sunday of the month as part of the morning worship service. On all other weeks, Holy Communion will be offered after the normal conclusion of worship. The preaching pastor will greet people leaving, while the other pastor (after retreiving the kids from nursery!) will officiate a short Communion service up front, lasting about 10 minutes. All are welcome at the table who wish to meet Jesus there! We have been offering this time of Communion for the last few weeks and would love your feedback.
During Communion Sundays, after the conclusion of worship we will offer a time of prayer at the altar, and anointing with oil as a special healing service. If you feel led to assist in this ministry by praying with folks as they come forward, please see the pastors or lay leader (Chris Ward). This prayer and healing service will be offered monthly starting this Sunday, October 1.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Church Auction Nov 3
By Doreen Gay
As you know the annual fundraising auction of the church is on Friday, November 3rd. The viewing begins at 6:00 along with "good eats" and the live auction begins at 7:00. It is my job to coordinate all the workers needed to serve the hotdogs, chili, desserts, and drinks; as well as the runners and cashiers who assist our wonderful professional auctioneer Harold Sutherland. I also must collect and organize approximately 100 items needed in order for the auction to be a success. The church budget relies on this fundraiser and we have been very blessed with successful ones in years past.
Time is getting short and I need to step up the pace on contacting everyone to see what you might be able to do to help this year. So please prayerfully consider these areas...
1. Plan to attend and bring a friend, an auction can't be successful without bidders! Not to mention it is so much FUN, ask anyone who has gone before! Mark your calendar!
2. Donate a contemporary or antique, new or used item. Just call me if you need to know what is appropriate for our auction. Donate money to purchase hotdogs, chili, chips, and drinks! Bake a dessert or candy to be auctioned. I can customize for you a Gift Certificates for Services such as: Housecleaning, Handyman, Instrumental or Vocal Music Lessons, Lawn Maintenance and/or Snow Shoveling, Babysitting, Computer Training, Automobile Repair, A pie a week for a Month, Tailoring, as examples. A Weekend getaway at a Cottage/Timeshare/Ski Lodge, etc
3. Contact an area business for a gift certificate for merchandise or service. Please let me know who you will approach so we don't have them more than once. Here's some ideas...a restaurant, gasoline, heating oil, theater tickets, tickets to an athletic event, haircut, flowers, movie rentals, office supplies, etc.
Thank you so much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
God Bless,
Doreen GayAuction Chairperson
As you know the annual fundraising auction of the church is on Friday, November 3rd. The viewing begins at 6:00 along with "good eats" and the live auction begins at 7:00. It is my job to coordinate all the workers needed to serve the hotdogs, chili, desserts, and drinks; as well as the runners and cashiers who assist our wonderful professional auctioneer Harold Sutherland. I also must collect and organize approximately 100 items needed in order for the auction to be a success. The church budget relies on this fundraiser and we have been very blessed with successful ones in years past.
Time is getting short and I need to step up the pace on contacting everyone to see what you might be able to do to help this year. So please prayerfully consider these areas...
1. Plan to attend and bring a friend, an auction can't be successful without bidders! Not to mention it is so much FUN, ask anyone who has gone before! Mark your calendar!
2. Donate a contemporary or antique, new or used item. Just call me if you need to know what is appropriate for our auction. Donate money to purchase hotdogs, chili, chips, and drinks! Bake a dessert or candy to be auctioned. I can customize for you a Gift Certificates for Services such as: Housecleaning, Handyman, Instrumental or Vocal Music Lessons, Lawn Maintenance and/or Snow Shoveling, Babysitting, Computer Training, Automobile Repair, A pie a week for a Month, Tailoring, as examples. A Weekend getaway at a Cottage/Timeshare/Ski Lodge, etc
3. Contact an area business for a gift certificate for merchandise or service. Please let me know who you will approach so we don't have them more than once. Here's some ideas...a restaurant, gasoline, heating oil, theater tickets, tickets to an athletic event, haircut, flowers, movie rentals, office supplies, etc.
Thank you so much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
God Bless,
Doreen GayAuction Chairperson
Monday, September 11, 2006
Adult Sunday School Class Selects Study
Out of a list of several study books, Art Tordoff's Sunday Morning Adult class settled on a book not in the original list. We will be studying for at least the next 12 weeks , Parables from the Back Side, by J. Ellsworth Kalas. The following themes are listed as Chapters in this text: When the Good Samaritan Is Bad News, God called a party, but nobody came, The Timid Soul, The Seasons of the Soil, The Sad Story of the Embarassed Farmers, and Love Always Wins..Sometimes.
Now that we may have tweeked your interest wouldn't you like to join us for an hour on Sunday mornings in the parlor at 9 AM? Come join Earle, Keith, Marlene and I for an intriguing look at those Bible stories that we have long had an interest in and now might look at from a different angle.
Now that we may have tweeked your interest wouldn't you like to join us for an hour on Sunday mornings in the parlor at 9 AM? Come join Earle, Keith, Marlene and I for an intriguing look at those Bible stories that we have long had an interest in and now might look at from a different angle.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Parenting Ministry Training Opportunity
Parents within the congregation, as well as from the community, can gain confidence and skills for raising responsible, productive children through the Active Parenting Program. On Wednesday, October 11, 2006, an Active Parenting Leader Training Workshop, to be held in the Boston Area at the Sheraton Newton Hotel, will equip persons to teach six- or three-session Active Parenting courses, including variations for single-parents, parenting after divorce, step-parenting, character education, Christian, Jewish, Spanish-speaking, and more.
Persons who participate in this event plus the three following days (Oct. 12-14) will be trained to train others to lead these programs. What a wonderful resource this would provide for our conference and our local congregations. This would be an empowering ministry for parents in your congregation and an enticing program to offer in the community.
The cost for Wednesday's training is only $99 with the option of three additional days (training of trainers) for an additional fee depending on how many sign up. This does not include housing, which is $119. per room per night at the Sheraton Newton, and meals, on your own except for Thursday lunch, which is provided.
Some funding is available for scholarships, and costs can be reduced if four or more United Methodists participate and if participants live close enough to Boston that they do not need hotel rooms.
Please contact the pastors with any questions. To register, call 800-825-0060 ext. 120, send an e-mail to, or visit the website Or you may contact the event coordinator Jane P. Ives (, or 207-797-8930).
Persons who participate in this event plus the three following days (Oct. 12-14) will be trained to train others to lead these programs. What a wonderful resource this would provide for our conference and our local congregations. This would be an empowering ministry for parents in your congregation and an enticing program to offer in the community.
The cost for Wednesday's training is only $99 with the option of three additional days (training of trainers) for an additional fee depending on how many sign up. This does not include housing, which is $119. per room per night at the Sheraton Newton, and meals, on your own except for Thursday lunch, which is provided.
Some funding is available for scholarships, and costs can be reduced if four or more United Methodists participate and if participants live close enough to Boston that they do not need hotel rooms.
Please contact the pastors with any questions. To register, call 800-825-0060 ext. 120, send an e-mail to, or visit the website Or you may contact the event coordinator Jane P. Ives (, or 207-797-8930).
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