Friday, August 25, 2006

Root Cellar Mission Opportunity

Peoples UMC will be leading worship and preparing and serving a meal for 80-90 people at the Root Cellar in Portland on Thursday, September 7. Pastor Jamie will be preaching and Marilyn Voter will be leading worship. About 18 people have signed up to help, which is great! Volunteers should arrive by about 5pm as the meal is served promptly at 6pm.

If you still want to be part of this mission, there are two additional ways you can help. One is to pray for the servants as well as those who will be served. Two is to donate money or items to those who will be purchasing and baking. Some of the items the church needs to bring in addition to the food are: cups, plates, napkins, drinks and utensils.

To find out how to help out by serving, baking or donating, please contact Earle Harvey or Chris Ward.

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