Every United Methodist Church is part of what is called a "cluster," composed of small groups of UM churches in the same area. Peoples UMC is part of the "Casco Bay Cluster" composed of Elm St UMC (and Buxton UMC since they are now linked and served by one pastor), First UMC, Thornton Heights UMC, Cape Elizabeth UMC and West Scarborough UMC. The cluster meets monthly to support each other’s ministries and plan other ministries together. The clergy attend these meetings, as well as some lay people from each church. Art Tordoff is our current cluster representative.

In our cluster, Elm St and Thornton Heights have received new pastors as of July 1. Rev. Lynne Campbell is serving Thornton Heights, and Pastor David Nicol is serving Elm St and Buxton. (David's wife Kate Nicol is also a pastor, serving Clark Memorial UMC in Portland as of July 1. It's neat to have another clergy couple so close by!)
To welcome these clergy there was a barbeque in their honor on Saturday August 26 at the Cape Elizabeth parsonage, and was great fun!

The following are all of the clergy in our Casco Bay Cluster:
- Rev. Gene Koelker - First UMC
- Rev. Ruth Morrison - Cape Elizabeth UMC
- Rev. David Calhoun - West Scarborough UMC
- Pastor David Nicol- Elm St UMC & Buxton UMC
- Rev. Lynne Campbell - Thornton Heights UMC
- Rev. Gwyneth Arrison & Pastor Jamie Arrison - Peoples UMC
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