Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Gathering
Just For Men
Church Auction November 3rd
New Categories for Bible Studies and Groups
Level 200 classes are intended for folks with moderate knowledge or background in the topic or as a Christian more generally. Additional degrees of Christian maturity may be necessary for someone to gain anything helpful from Level 300 and 400 classes. Some 400 level classes may be by invitation only.
Since people in the church are naturally at different levels of faith in various areas, we are offering multiple classes and groups this Fall. A full discipleship brochure is being published, but for now you can review the three classes being offered Sunday mornings on the Adult Sunday School post.
Adult Sunday School
Beginning Date: Sunday, September 10
Time: 9am-10am
Place: Peoples UMC
Class 201: Art Tordoff will continue to lead a book-based study, to be selected by the group during the first meeting. Some current thoughts are:
- In the Grip of Grace, by Max Lacado
- What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey
- Confronting the Controversies, by Adam Hamilton
- Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis
- If You Want to Walk on Water You'll Have to Get Out of the Boat, by John Ortberg
Class 101: Pastor Jamie will be leading "Introduction to the Bible." This class will discuss the basics of what the Bible is, the different types of literature, an outline of the narrative and examples of studying from various portions. This class is open to both beginners and seasoned veterans of scripture who may add their insight or perhaps get a fresh view on God's Word.
Class 202: Pastor Gwyneth will be leading "Survey of the Gospel of Mark" which is a study for folks with some basic experience and knowledge about the Bible who are intereted in going a bit deeper into the narrative of one book of the Bible.
Pastors Attend Assembly

Youth Sunday School
Happy September! I hope everyone has had a great summer.Sunday School will be starting up and I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Hopefully, we will have enough kids to have several groups.Wouldn’t that be wonderful! I just
When: Sunday, September 10th
Time: 9 am-10 am
Where: Ellis Hall
For questions,please contact Rosemary Herd.
September Birthdays and Anniversaries
Birthdays 2 Lynn Loranger 6 Gwyneth Arrison 7 Jennifer Nelson 11 Maxwell Brown 13 Sandra James 14 Elizabeth (Beth) Flaherty 15 Bonnie Brown Brandon Obie 20 Carolyn Teeter 21 Joanne Kamilewicz Kathleen Robinson 23 Philip Whitmore | 25 Linnell Noyes Fred Yosua 26 Braden Wellington 27 Frank Seidl 30 Ruth Doughty Christy Morrison Anniversaries 15 Amy (Tordoff) & Jeremy France 17 Albert (Bert) & Melinda Marston 27 Paul & Sharon Obie 29 Frank & Sally Seidl |
Sunday, August 27, 2006
September Schedule: Ushers, Greeters, Nursery, etc.
Coffee Fellowship
Coordinator: Brad and Betsy Morrison
September Fellowship Team: Brad and Betsy Morrison
Usher Coordinator: Charlie Lyons
September Usher Team: Art Tordoff, Charlie Lyons, Hank Dunn, Kevin Malcom
Worship Leader
Worship Leader Coordinator: Chris Ward
September Worship Leader: Rosemary Herd
Choirs - Raising Joyful Voices to the Lord!
New members are welcome! To find out more, please contact Hillie Cass or Chris Ward for Senior Choir, and Ellen Dunn for Junior Choir.
Ellis Hall Work – Great Job, Great Time!

Here are some photos of Doreen removing insulation and Becky and Kathy taking a photo break!

New UMC Clergy Nearby

To welcome these clergy there was a barbeque in their honor on Saturday August 26 at the Cape Elizabeth parsonage, and was great fun!

The following are all of the clergy in our Casco Bay Cluster:
- Rev. Gene Koelker - First UMC
- Rev. Ruth Morrison - Cape Elizabeth UMC
- Rev. David Calhoun - West Scarborough UMC
- Pastor David Nicol- Elm St UMC & Buxton UMC
- Rev. Lynne Campbell - Thornton Heights UMC
- Rev. Gwyneth Arrison & Pastor Jamie Arrison - Peoples UMC
September Missions Focus – Boys & Girls Club
Friday, August 25, 2006
Welcome Baby Sawyer!

Melinda and Bert Marston welcomed a new son into the family, and Caleb has become a big brother! Sawyer was born on August 26, 2006 and was 7lbs 13 oz. 19 1/2 inches long. He's grown a bit since then as seen in the photo. We welcome you into your church family, Sawyer!
Something New in Worship
These are some of the main reasons we had for trying out the projector in worship. The intention is to aid all of us in having a fuller worship experience. Some folks may still want to use the hymnals, especially those who read the harmony lines from the music. We will continue to print hymn numbers in the bulletin for this reason. But in summary, the goal of the projector use is to give us more freedom to worship God!
We have also used the projector to display announcements before worship begins. For some, the print in the bulletin is too small and this has been helpful. Visitors may also find this helpful. All of the announcements will continue to be printed in the bulletin, but we are hoping that the additional format will cut down on the number of announcements that need to be explained by the worship leader.
Occasionally we will also use the projector to display worship videos and movie clips. These will be used regularly in the Sunday evening worship service starting up soon.
We would appreciate hearing any feedback you might have on the use of the projector.
Fall Worship Schedule Starts Soon!
Sunday School will begin for all ages September 10th at 9:00am, with coffee fellowship at 10:00am and morning worship at 10:30am.
We hope you will join us!
New College Ministry Starting

We are beginning a Christian discussion group for college students at the Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) this Fall.
Pastor Gwyneth will be leading the discussion group during the Fall, with the hopes that future groups will be student-led. Although the book choice has not yet been finalized, one in the top running is Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell (click on the picture to view a description).

Betty Splettstoesser and Sue Angell Volunteering at the SMCC Table
Volunteers from Peoples UMC passed out brochures and spoke with students during orientation week, and we have enough students signed up to start a study. We will also be handing out brochures as students move into dorms on August 26th 12-4pm, and during the school BBQ on August 31 11am-2pm.
Please contact Earle Harvey if you feel led to help out. In addition, please be in prayer for this outreach ministry to young adults in our area.
Root Cellar Mission Opportunity
If you still want to be part of this mission, there are two additional ways you can help. One is to pray for the servants as well as those who will be served. Two is to donate money or items to those who will be purchasing and baking. Some of the items the church needs to bring in addition to the food are: cups, plates, napkins, drinks and utensils.
To find out how to help out by serving, baking or donating, please contact Earle Harvey or Chris Ward.
Peoples Block Party - Come Join the Fun!
Date: September 23
Time: 9am-1pm
Where: Peoples UMC
There will be hotdogs, popcorn and lemonade. There will also be games, entertainment, and community involvement including some short demonstrations by folks such as the fire and police departments on bicycle safety, car seat installation and other topics.
For questions or to volunteer or donate items, please contact Rosemary Herd.
All are welcome!
Prayer Shawl Ministry - All Welcome!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a new church mission opportunity. Each shawl is knitted not only with care but with prayer for the person whom only God knows will receive this special gift.
Twenty-three prayer shawls were created in Spring 2006. Then during a church service in May the shawls were blessed. Several of these shawls have been given with God’s blessings to those in need of His love.
Come join the fun and fellowship as the Prayer Shawl Ministry meets to make more shawls. We will meet in the Ellis Hall parlor on Thursday, September 14 at 7:00p.m. All are welcome!
For more information contact
Betty Smith at 799-6560 or
Marlene Tordoff at 799-6222 or
Thursday, August 24, 2006
New Schedule For Church Council
Dinner and a Movie

Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Why is Peoples News now in blog form?
An increasing number of Peoples News readers are receiving their newsletters by email. The blog format allows us to post articles as they become relevant so that on-line readers may receive updates any time during the month as the articles are posted.
As long as we have some readers who are not able to view Peoples News on-line, we will continue to print out the month's news and mail it out. The print out version of the blog will be somewhat different than the traditional printed form. The order of the articles will be based on the order they were written with the newest first. The dates will represent the day they were written. Therefore, what gets mailed out as the September newsletter will be all the posts written in August. Likewise, the Archive buttons on the blog site will list the articles written in that month so what gets mailed as the September newsletter will be in the Archive under August.
Please call or email the pastors with any feedback about this new format. Also, as you do more things on line, please try out the online version of the blog. If you no longer need the print version, please let us know so we can save paper.