Dr. Malcolm Cass was the guest of honor at a reception at Peoples on Sunday, June 24, 2007 for 67 years of ministry as
Music Director, playing organ and directing the choir. Many attended, old friends and new.

There was plenty of food, including a beautiful cake with music notes and an icing photo of Malcolm at the organ. Several were invited to speak about what Malcolm’s ministry has meant to them. We heard praises for his incredible talent, and dedication not only to music but to caring for the instrument itself. Tom Nelson spoke of the incredible model Malcolm has been for him and so many others. Bill Beddie, former pastor at Peoples spoke about coming into to meet Malcolm for the first time to begin developing a friendship: “It took about 15 minutes.”

Malcolm spoke not about his musical talent, but how his ministry would not have been possible without his soul mate, Hillie. The reception was videotaped for Hillie, who is at Mercy Hospital recovering from a stroke. Pastor Jamie spoke about how Malcolm and Hillie’s team ministry as a “pastoral couple” has been a wonderful role model for him and Gwyneth. He also spoke about their continued active participation in Bible studies, an example to us all that we should always be students of the Bible no matter our age or Christian maturity.
It was announced that the church is dedicating the organ in honor of Dr. Malcolm Cass so it can now be named the “Cass Organ.” A plaque will be displayed either on the organ or somewhere else in the church where it can be easily viewed. In addition, Rosemary Herd announced a scholarship in his name for students studying music. And finally, Betty Smith presented Malcolm and Hillie with a blanket she made with the words of
The Palms stitched into the pattern!
Malcolm and Hillie, your church loves you, and holds you in prayer as you approach retirement in August. In the end, there is always the possibility of new beginnings because of the resurrection of our Savior. We are eager to see what new ways the Lord will minister through you!
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