Monday, April 16, 2018

End the Growling

And a Good Time was had by all!
The Outreach van arrives
During the weeks of the Lenten season all of the churches in the Casco Bay Cluster had the opportunity to assist in the collection of monies that would be dedicated to the “End the Growling” campaign through the offerings that were gathered at each Lenten Service. In addition each church was asked to develop teams that would seek donations of money that would be used to purchase the dry good ingredients to make packets of minestrone soup that would feed 6 people. Each team member had a goal of raising $45 per each member of a team.
Unloading begins
Ellis moves bins
Len with a heavy load
Keith helps with cases
On the day before the packing event a number of folks from Peoples showed up to help unpack the Outreach Inc. van of the dry goods, boxes and equipment used in the packing process. Additionally a team placed dated stickers on each of the thousands of packets that would be filled on Saturday.
Pastor Ami is precise
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Peoples sponsored three teams; Peoples Packers, Tuesday morning and Hunger Stoppers. In all 28 people from Peoples would volunteer to pack on one or more of the three teams. Other members of the church may not have been available to help pack but they did help to raise the funds. Peoples alone raised $1329.19 through the team method.
The ingredients for soup packets feed six
Peoples Packers work together
In all there were nine teams with three more from Thornton Heights and one each from Cape Elizabeth and West Scarborough. Another team, I believe, represented a Girl Scout troop. Over the three hours from 10 AM to 1PM the nine teams were responsible for filling 16,200 food packets. The age range of the participants ran from around 8 years of age to 80.
Thornton Heights kids
Tuesday morning group
These packets were packed 36 to the case and 36 cases. They will be distributed to local food cupboards and some will go to Millinocket to help refill their food cupboard.

We thank Janemarie of Outreach and Cori from Thornton Heights UMC, pastors Ami, Dodie and Tom for their presence and help supporting this effort. We also thank Rosemary and others for providing the snacks that were much needed before or after our duty time.

A little posing before we begin

Cori, Pastor Ami and UMW from THUMC

Randi and Marlene take a break

Rosemary and Pastor Tom serve snakcs


The last packet is filled at 1:33 PM

Janemarie helps pack West Scarborough
Ellis Hall at 2:30 PM

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