Monday, April 17, 2017

Lent, Easter and Beyond at Peoples

Lent and Easter at Peoples and Beyond

During the Lenten season, Wednesday nights were celebrated with other churches that are related to the Casco Bay Cluster. The United Methodist churches included Cape Elizabeth, West Scarborough, Thornton Heights and Peoples. We were also joined this year by the Cape Elizabeth Nazarene Church. While attendance appeared to be low in comparison to past years, the travel to the churches gave us an opportunity to meet for worship with other Christians and to spend some time chatting after the services were over. As we look back on who were in attendance it appeared that those from Peoples outnumbered every other church at most every service.

During the Lenten season Pastor Tom’s sermons were all on the “last words of Christ.” The choir added some beautiful music that was also inspirational.

With the arrival of the most holy week of the Christian year many gathered in the sanctuary for a Maundy Thursday service where we both shared in the washing of hands and the sharing of Communion. Pastor Tom’s message followed the pattern that had been set during the Lenten season with “Words of Committal”. A Tennebrae service followed on Friday evening.

On Easter Sunday members of the church and others joined together at 5:45 AM at Fisherman’s Point overlooking Willard Beach. Wondering if the sky’s would clear because of a rain storm, many of us got up early and were pleased to see that the rain had stopped and we would be able to join with others at the Point. We were able to sing hymns and listen to Tom’s Sunrise message about who was involved in the resurrection story. It was quite a blessing when the sun did appear above the cloud cover to the East and we could all rejoice at that moment.

Following the service all were invited to attend breakfast back at Ellis Hall where a sizeable cadre of volunteers helped to cook and serve the breakfast with Chris offering the prayer of blessing. We who were there to eat thank each and every one of the volunteers who prepared and served the meal.  The meal was excellent and again it gave each of us present an opportunity to sit and talk for a short time before leaving to get ready for the Easter service.

At 10 AM we again came back to church where the number at the service was augmented by visiting family members. The choir again sang a beautiful anthem appropriate for the day and Pastor Tom once again provided a meaningful and inspirational message.

We thank you Lord for all that you do for us and your son Jesus who gave us the promise of life after death by leading us through his resurrection and his eventual ascension to sit with you in heaven. We do hope and pray that your Spirit works in us and through us in everything we do. Amen

The Adult Sunday school class has been studying the stories related to the windows in the sanctuary. Many of them relate to the Easter season including, The Last Supper, Gethsemane, and The Crucifixion. The study will continue next Sunday, April 23, with The Resurrection and then on April 30 with The Ascension. We will also have a few more sessions in May with the Pentecost window in the entrance area and then return to the Rose Window in the chancel. At some point before the end of this season we will also get a lesson on and about working with stained glass from Ruth Doughty. We would be delighted to have you join us at 8:45 AM in the back of the sanctuary.


Looking ahead:

On Saturday, April 29 from 1PM to 5PM Ellis Hall will be alive with activity. The activity, “End the Growling” will involve the team packing of meals for those in need. We will be packing oatmeal, dry apples and cinnamon this year. Teams have been formed with space still open for more to join the 10 person teams. We still are looking for donations of money that is necessary to get the product to pack. If you are so inclined to make out a check it should be made out to Outreach Inc. with a memo, “End the Growling”.

Another project of the United Methodist Men is to collect written testimonies from both men and women about men and woman who have been “Spiritually Inspirational” to them and why. It would be appropriate to include a Bible verse also that applies to your feelings about your Inspirer(s). Please submit to Art Tordoff by May 1.

On the first Saturday in May, the 6th, the Trustees are sponsoring a Church clean up both inside and out. If you are planning to come you are invited to have breakfast before the cleanup with the United Methodist Men who usually meet on the second Saturday but because of the clean-up planned the first week we will meet on the 6th. More will be forthcoming on this event.

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