Wednesday, December 07, 2016

'Twas The Night Before

‘Twas the day before the Christmas Fair

‘Twas the day before the Christmas Fair,

Shari, Dick and Rosemary
When all through Ellis Hall the buzzing of busy people permeated the air.

With Rosemary and Betty and Marlene and Carol running hither and thither,

banners and lights gave a glow to the activity on this winter’s eve.

Marlene, Janice and Becky
We might not have made it without the suggestions of Shari.

Janice and Becky with sweet candies in preparation were in their usual corner next to the kitchen.

There was Jeanne and Dick with piano and wooden ornaments, great smiles on their faces as they set the pace.

Doreen and Sharon
All of a sudden through the door Doreen and Sharon came, with a thought to the decorations that would grace their baubles that were there.

Dick, Dan and Pastor Tom with a hand they did raise to help string the lights that John and Tom had already set in place.

Barbara, Dick, Shari and Pastor Tom
There were tables to move and chairs to place, so there was still plenty to do for all hands in the place.

Pam, Betty and Barbara
With decorations here and trash and treasure there the afternoon was at first a confusing mess.

But lo and behold as additional helpers appeared, there seemed to be a rhythm for all to share.

Marlene and Carol
At 5 there were many who were hungry at best, so Carol prepared sandwiches that set stomach’s to rest.

On into the evening more workers came, only to leave when they knew all was ready for the new day.

Questions persisted would people come; God only knew there would be more than a few.

Thank you to all who helped to set up, we couldn’t have done it without your step up; 1, 2, 3.


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