Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Peoples UMC Celebrates Family through Arts and Crafts

Judy at work
Peoples UMC Celebrates Family through arts and crafts

After church on Sunday, December 13 many of those attending church ventured to the vestry where all were invited to participate in making crafted Christmas objects under the direction of Spiral Arts director, Priscilla Dreyman assisted by Kit Pike and Amy Wellington. All of the supplies necessary for creating individual and family prepared decorations were provided. Many were very intent at helping younger children while others were engaged in doing something perhaps for someone who wasn’t there or for themselves.

Pam with children
Betsy with granddaughter
Andy and Company
You might see in the pictures provided some folks that you know while at the same time you may see someone else that is new to you. You can see though, that all present were having fun as a church family. Thanks do go out to Priscilla, Kit and Amy for making this possible.

This certainly was a great activity to add to the Advent season and we would hope that it might be the first of many such celebrations as a church family.

David and new friend
You may note that some folks were perhaps simply standing around and observing and drinking coffee and munching on goodies that are usually always provided by Brad, but in this case prepared in the Vestry Kitchen rather than Ellis Hall.

Wealthy busily engaged
If you missed this event hopefully you will be a part of other events at Peoples that can be considered part of the service that we share with each other.

Everyone at work

Some look on while others craft

Anna Luke and Dad
So many supplies

Kids at work
Amy and grandson
Pam and great granddaughter

Hmmm what shall I work on?

Kit and others crafting

Some just like coffee

Some prefer to be in the background

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