Monday, September 28, 2015

United Methodist Men/ Men's Breakfast

United Methodist Men/ Men’s Breakfast

Taken from and updated notes from Breakfast, September 12, 2015

The first breakfast for this year was held on the above date at 7:30 AM in the vestry of Peoples UMC. Those in attendance included Pastor Tom Frey, Keith Snoddy, Jim MacKinnon, Earle Harvey, Merrill Kaiser and Art Tordoff.  Brad Morrison, who was not able to attend, had prepared the meal and Keith was gracious to volunteer to do the final preparations. Thanks Keith.

Discussion which usually is the other major inclusion beside food and fellowship centered on wars of the past. To give a little more focus and direction we eventually got to discussing merging then using the term, resurrection, to describe bringing the two mentioned activities back together as it had been years ago. All present were in agreement that it would be a good and needed exercise.

What has been done since our last meeting in preparation for our next scheduled breakfast on Saturday, October 10 in the vestry at 7:30 AM is as follows:

1.      Art put together call lists and formed a team of callers which could include the following: Tom Frey, Earle Harvey, Keith Snoddy, Merrill Kaiser, Brad Morrison and Art Tordoff. Others that might like to join the callers as captains let me know. Connections will still be made through e-mail but now will include personal calls on the phone or contacts in church. The first use of these phone trees will take place during the week before the next scheduled meeting in October. There are over 40 men’s name on the list to be contacted. If anyone on the list knows of tother men that would like to join us let us know.

2.      Art has also been responsible for preparing this article for the Peoples blog

3.      Art and Earle will share some time in the pulpit or lectern on Sunday, October 4 with an informational presentation during the announcements on how this change is coming about and where we would like it to go. Merrill will make a visual for us to use during the service.

4.      We are reminded of the purposes of United Methodist Men:

a.      To declare the centrality of Christ in every man’s life

b.      To promote the spiritual growth of men through effective discipleship

c.       To model the servant leadership of Christ in our daily lives.                                                             


5.      Some possible work projects that men might undertake soon:

a.      A meal celebration for our Scout organizations with special emphasis on the Scouts achieving Eagle.

b.      A booth with goods at the Christmas Fair

c.       Variety Show  and more     

d.       Clean up participation around and outside the church

e.      Adopt a section of the Green belt walkway to keep clean and tidy.


1 comment:

Ruth Doughty said...

Another great article, Art! Nice to see the men's breakfast group growing in the Lord.