taking our vows of membership, we each promised to support the church through
our prayer, presence, gifts, service and witness. Each year we gather for our Church Conference (Oct.
21—6:30 p.m.) and take some time to ask ourselves how well we have kept our
are currently openings on each of our ministry teams. Please speak with members serving on these groups, take time
to prayerfully discern how to best use your gifts, then step up and become an
active participant in the ministries of Peoples UMC.
we do not do the work of the church, the work of the church does not get done.

is the overseeing body of the work of the church. A representative from each of the other committees is asked
to serve as we keep each other informed as to what each group is undertaking. There are also ad-hoc members of this
committee who serve not as representatives of other groups, but to supply other
ideas and considerations.
This team is also where visioning is taking place. Where will we be in five years? What are the gifts and graces of our
community? Where should we be
focusing our energy and resources?
The committee meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. If you’d like to be part of this
looking toward tomorrow, please see Pastor Tom about joining this committee.
This is a group that works with the pastor to
better serve the community. They
do an annual review of the pastor’s work, as well as all paid employees of the
church. They work with the
conference in matters of pastoral change and other related issues. To belong to this committee you must be
a full member of Peoples. There is
a limit of nine that can serve.
The committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 2 pm. (The day/time is flexible if it does
not meet your availability.) If you would like more information, please speak with
Pastor Tom or Keith Snoddy.
this group reviews budget numbers, it is not just about accounting. Most of the focus of this group is
visioning how to best teach and/or demonstrate stewardship as a foundation of
our faith. Meetings are the
Thursday before the Church Council meeting at 6 pm. If you’d like to know more, please see Pastor Tom, Kathy
Brann or Sue Angell.
committee is really a large umbrella that covers many areas of interest. Church Social Events, Christian
Education, Outreach Ministries,
all fall under the heading of Church Life. You need not be involved in each of these areas. If your passion is for a specific area
or event, you are welcome to join and participate in the creation, planning and
development of your area of interest.
If curious, please see Pastor Tom, Carol Bruneau or Rosemary Herd for
more information.
group maintains the church and parsonage buildings and properties. They meet the first Tuesday of each
month at 7 pm. There is a limit of
nine members on this board. If interested, please see Walter Greer, Brad
Morrison or Pastor Tom.
SUNDAY SCHOOL/NURSERY: Spend some time with our children. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll
learn. See Rosemary Herd (Sunday
School) or Betsy Morrison (Nursery)
There are ways to serve that do not require
monthly meetings and can even be done at home. If you’d like to learn how to
help, please see Pastor Tom or any of the listed names in your area of
have so many other groups that provide vital ministries to the community—The
Worship Team, Choir, Bell Choir, The Prayer Shawl/Craft Ministry, The Men’s
Group, United Methodist Women, The Garden Club, Church Archives, to name a
few. We can always use extra hands
and hearts.