Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter Egg Hunt, Stories and Crafts!
After the children's message, kids went downstairs to hear Easter stories, make crafts and hunt for Easter eggs in small groups. You can view many more photos on the Easter Egg Hunt Photo Album.
Easter Morning Worship
We had a wonderful celebration of the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Happy Easter everyone! You can view more photos on the Easter Morning Worship Photo Album.
Easter Sunrise Resurrection Celebration
We never did actually see the sun, but we did witness the resurrection of the Son! Jason opened worship on bagpipes with Amazing Grace, followed by a dramatized reading of the Scripture complete with Jesus, Mary and two angels and meditation by Pastor Gwyneth. A beautiful time of worship in the growing light, and a wonderful breakfast with pancakes, muffins, eggs and bacon. You can view more photos at the Easter Sunrise Photo Album.
Holy Thursday
On Holy Thursday this year we experienced the sacrificial nature of the last supper with foot washing and Holy Communion.
Palm Passion Sunday
Everyone received palm branches on Palm Sunday. After the children went downstairs for Sunday School, the adults made crosses out of their palms during the message on the crucifixion. You can view more pictures on the Palm Sunday Photo Album.
Youth Group Habitat Mission Project
Great fun for a great cause. Our youth assembled 6 work stools for Habitat for Humanity. They were on the job helping to build houses the very next day! Go Karts next week! View more pictures on the Youth Group Habitat Photo Album.
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Submitted by Susan Angell
Spring clean up will be held on Saturday, May 7 beginning at 8 AM TO WHENEVER! THIS IS A FUN DAY FOR RAKING, GARDEN WORK, BUSH TRIMMING, GUTTER CLEANING. etc.
One year a group of people decided that they wanted to work indoors and brought pails and cloths and cleaned every window in the church and the Rosses cleaned everything in the nursery and a batch of people cleaned every one of those white tables used for just about everything!
Last Fall David Bruneau was VERY popular because he brought a leaf blower that he strapped on his back and the Spring before a Cub Scout dad, Scott Frank, brought his. David blew leaves and Scott blew all the sand out of the parking lot. What fun it was to watch.
HINT#1: don't park your car in the lots but on the street unless you want it sand blasted There is a tree in the parsonage yard that we are thinking needs taking down.
HINT #2: bring cameras to record the silly things we might possibly attempt
SO COME ONE, COME ALL AND SPRUCE UP YOUR CHURCH and have fun. Some of the Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are coming too. Last Fall most everyone was aged 60 and older and we need some younger people to come and keep us on our toes. Bring the children to train them for your own yard work that needs to be done. Coffee and drinks usually are available for us to keep up our strength!!!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Palm Sunday Worship 10am
Please join us for worship on Palm Sunday, April 17. Everyone will receive palms to wave and the Sunday School children will be singing a special piece. As the story goes, the crowds shouting "Hosanna!" within a few days would be shouting "Crucify!" We will experience this shift during worship as we explore the forgiveness and acceptance we can receive through the cross in our current sermon series "Easter Experience." Please join us for this meaningful time, and bring a friend.
Holy Thursday Gathering
Please join us on Holy Thursday, April 21 at 7pm as we gather to share Communion and Foot Washing. This is a meditative time of worship as we experience the last few hours before Christ's crucifixion. All are welcome.
Good Friday Gathering at Noon
The United Methodist Churches are gathering together on Good Friday, noon on April 22 at Elm Street UMC for worship. The worship will be a series of creative, self-directed prayer stations, and is sure to be a powerful experience of the crucifixion to prepare our hearts for our Easter celebrations on Sunday. Please join us. Please click here for directions to Elm Street UMC at 168 Elm Street South Portland, ME 04106.
Easter Sunrise Resurrection Celebration April 24
Join us on April 24 at 5:30am on Willard Beach at Fisherman's Point on Easter morning to worship together, celebrating the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, as the sun rises over the islands. Please park in the public lot on Willow Street, and be sure to show courtesy to our sleeping neighbors.
For directions click here. The address for the public lot is 20 Willow Street South Portland, ME 04106
For directions click here. The address for the public lot is 20 Willow Street South Portland, ME 04106
Easter Pancake Breakfast
Please join us after the Easter sunrise resurrection celebration for a wonderful pancake breakfast, beginning at about 6:15am. Pancakes, sausage, muffins and more. All are welcome. Freewill donations will be accepted.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Sunday
April 24th
For children Age 11 and under. There will be games and crafts as well as Easter egg hunts by age groups.
Easter Worship Celebration 10am
Join us at Peoples UMC on Easter morning at 10am to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. After the children's message the kids will have a fun Easter Egg Hunt as well. Nursery care is provided. FMI contact the pastors at 619-1509.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Mechuwana Spring Vacation Camp
Submitted by Camp Mechuwana
COST- $30.00
YOU CAN FIND A FULL REGISTRATION FORM AT or email us at phone 207-377-2924
COST- $30.00
YOU CAN FIND A FULL REGISTRATION FORM AT or email us at phone 207-377-2924
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Youth Group Croquet
The youth group had great fun playing croquet on Sunday ... with a twist. They were divided into teams of two and both members of each team had to be touching the mallet! If you know of a youth who would like to join us the group meets Sundays at 5:30pm and we love to have newcomers! You can view more photos at the Youth Group Photo Album.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday School Food Mission
The Sunday School has met their goal of 100 non-perishable items for the South Portland Food Pantry. Great job kids making a difference in the world! Yes, families may still bring in canned goods anytime as this is an ongoing mission at Peoples as well.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Chili Chowder Challenge Great Success

Friday, April 08, 2011
Easter Letter
To view the full color version of the Easter letter you may click here-Link to Easter Letter
Easter 2011
But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. -- Luke 24:1-7
Dear Peoples Family,
The first day of the week that the passage refers to is the first Easter Sunday. When we come to church Easter Sunday, we often come all prepared too. We come to what can feel like a full tomb and we know exactly what to expect – what hymns will be played, who will be there and what will be said. Easter does not offer us many surprises any more. So where can we go to find the angels ready to give us the Good News that Jesus is alive and that we can have new lives as well?
If you come prepared on Easter morning, you may find the experience at church or out on Fisherman’s Point. The women who found the empty tomb were at an all time low having witnessed Jesus - friend, son, savior - die a terrible death on the cross just a few days before. Are you at that very low point where you are ready to hear that Jesus is alive and loves you?
Yet, for most people that special time of coming to a new relationship with Jesus and with the family of the church comes through regular prayer, study and connecting with others in the family. Some people fall in love with Jesus at first sight and others through a deepening sense of relationship that began with just a regular acquaintance. Through our various worship, prayer, social and small group activities, you can begin to foster a relationship with Jesus that will blossom into the type of life-changing surprise the woman had that morning.
We hope you have a new life-giving experience for you and your whole family this Easter morning as you choose to join with the family at Peoples to draw closer to Jesus together. He gave his life for us not to take ours away, but that we would be drawn into the family of God – a family of abundant life. A glorious surprise awaits.
Together in Ministry for Christ,
Pastors Gwyneth & Jamie Arrison
Holy Week and Easter Events
Palm Sunday, April 17, worship at 10:00am
Palms to wave and Sunday School for kids ages 3-11. Nursery provided as well.
Holy Thursday, April 21 at 7pm
A meditative service with Holy Communion and foot washing as a remembrance of the Last Supper Jesus spent with his disciples.
Good Friday, April 22 at Noon , Elm Street UMC
Experience the Stations of the Cross with other United Methodist churches in the area to experience the crucifixion of Christ and why this is “good.”
Easter Sunrise, Sunday, April 24, Fisherman’s Point at 5:30am
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as the sun comes up across Casco Bay . Please park at the public lot on Willow Street at Willow Beach , observe all parking signs and respect sleeping neighbors. Thank you! Easter breakfast immediately following.
Easter Breakfast, Sunday, April 24 at about 6:15am
Easter Breakfast at church immediately following the sunrise service, approximately 6:15 am Lots of pancakes and other great food and fellowship. Free will offering.
Easter Morning Worship, Sunday, April 24 at 10:00am
We will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus during morning worship. Nursery care is provided as well as Sunday School for children.
Easter Candy Hunt, Sunday, April 24 at 10:00am
Children will leave from worship for a fun Easter candy hunt, crafts and activities. Children will be divided into small groups with similar ages to increase the fun!
Monday, April 04, 2011
Summer Mission Trip - Are you called to GO?
Peoples Church is gearing up for our second summer 2011 mission trip! The trip date is set for June 25-July 2, 2011. The destination is back to Urban Promise in Wilmington,DE ministering to underprivileged inner city youth.
You can view a short 2010 Mission Trip Slideshow here. It's worth a peak!
We hope to inspire some more folks to go on the trip this year, from Peoples, from other United Methodist Churches, or folks from the community who would like to experience missions. Why go on a mission trip? Missions renews your faith, away mission inspires increased local mission, and you will experience God in ways simply not possible without moving out of our comfort zone in away mission trips. Church mission trips also help Christians understand and reclaim their role as being sent into the world to love and serve others in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested, here is some information you need to know!
You can view a short 2010 Mission Trip Slideshow here. It's worth a peak!
We hope to inspire some more folks to go on the trip this year, from Peoples, from other United Methodist Churches, or folks from the community who would like to experience missions. Why go on a mission trip? Missions renews your faith, away mission inspires increased local mission, and you will experience God in ways simply not possible without moving out of our comfort zone in away mission trips. Church mission trips also help Christians understand and reclaim their role as being sent into the world to love and serve others in the name of Jesus Christ.
If you are interested, here is some information you need to know!
- Mission Application deadline is May 1, 2011. No applications will be accepted after this date. You may download the online application here, fill it out on your computer, print and sign. Or you may download the paper application here to fill out by hand.
- Registration fee is $50 due with the application. The remaining $200 is due June 1. Additional costs include approximately $100 for food and travel expenses, although some may be covered by church fundraisers.
- Team meeting attendance is mandatory for all team members. The next meeting is scheduled for 7pm on Sunday, May 1.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Best of Broadway
Peoples provides rehearsal space for Best of Broadway which is scheduled for May 7 at 7:30pm. Their performance is always the Saturday of Mother's Day weekend (a great mother's day gift by the way!) at Merrill Auditorium, and raises money for the Barbara Bush Children's Hospital. We hope you can attend and show your support. You can view a few more photos at the Best of Broadway Photo Album.
Chili-Chowder Challenge April 10
The Peoples UMC Chili-Chowder Challenge will be held Sunday, April 10, 11:30am, with awards and presentation at 12:45pm. We hope everyone will be able to attend this fun event, which will also serve as a fund-raiser for the June 2011 mission trip to inner city Wilmington, Delaware.
Suggested donation $5/person or $15/family, although any amount will be accepted and those submitting chili-chowder entries attend without charge. Additional donations for our mission trip will also be welcomed.
In addition to the challenge, there will also be drinks and baked goods for sale.
If you would like to submit a chili or chowder entry in the challenge, or if you have any other questions about this event, please contact Fred Wade at 671-1712.
Suggested donation $5/person or $15/family, although any amount will be accepted and those submitting chili-chowder entries attend without charge. Additional donations for our mission trip will also be welcomed.
In addition to the challenge, there will also be drinks and baked goods for sale.
If you would like to submit a chili or chowder entry in the challenge, or if you have any other questions about this event, please contact Fred Wade at 671-1712.
Friday, April 01, 2011
Easter Flowers
If you would like to purchase flowers to help decorate the church for Easter, and/or list your donation in memory of a loved one, please contact Chris Ward at 767.2516. Flowers may be dropped off Saturday, April 23 from 9am-5pm. Thank you.
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