Submitted by Carol Bruneau
Peoples served at the 'Root Cellar' last Thursday, February 24. With prayerful thoughts of Chris Bowker, we had a full crew of helping hands. Ellen Dunn brought her music and message to the children, Hank, Isaac and Nathan Dunn, Marlene and Art Tordoff, Susan Angell, Kathy Brann, Merrill Kaiser, Kit and Randy Pike and Carol Bruneau all set up, cooked, washed dishes, served and cleaned up as well as took part in the message and music and ate with the children. This is always wonderful fellowship and a joyful mission in our own back yard. Thanks to all who made sweets too!
Monday, February 28, 2011
United Methodist Communications training is coming March 2 to a computer near you!
Turning Connectional Living into Connectional Giving: This free, online course explores turning connectional living as United Methodists into connectional giving that supports the shared ministry and mission of the church.
Moodle 100: Basic Training: This instructor-led, online course prepares you to develop online courses using the Open Source learning management system, Moodle.
Welcoming Ministry 101: This free, self-directed online course helps you expand your own welcoming skills and equips you to lead others to establish and maintain a dynamic ministry of radical hospitality.
What is Web Ministry: This free, self-directed, five-part online course provides foundational information (as well as the biblical and theological basis) for creating and maintaining a Web ministry for your local church, district or conference organization.
Sign up now, by emailing
Moodle 100: Basic Training: This instructor-led, online course prepares you to develop online courses using the Open Source learning management system, Moodle.
Welcoming Ministry 101: This free, self-directed online course helps you expand your own welcoming skills and equips you to lead others to establish and maintain a dynamic ministry of radical hospitality.
What is Web Ministry: This free, self-directed, five-part online course provides foundational information (as well as the biblical and theological basis) for creating and maintaining a Web ministry for your local church, district or conference organization.
Sign up now, by emailing
Upcoming Marriage & Parenting Workshops
* Family Builders Parenting Conference, March 26, 2011 in Newburyport, Massachusetts
Features Dr. Scott Turansky and Mrs. Joanne Miller (RN, BSN) of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. They are nationally recognized speakers and the authors of Parenting is Heart Work, Home Improvement, and Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes. Details and registration online at .
* PAIRS: Practical Applications of Intimate Relationship Skills
This research based and highly recommended program is now available in New England, with three events coming soon to Gilford, NH. For more information, visit or call Louise Bastille, retreat registrar, at 603-556-1343
March 4 and 5, 2011 Begins Friday at 5:30 p.m. and ends before dinner Saturday.
April 8 and 9, 2011 Begins Friday at 5:30 p.m. and ends before dinner Saturday.
May 7, 14, and 21, 2011 Saturday mornings 9 a.m. to noon
* Nonviolent Communication Workshops in Maine
For more information about any of these events, except where noted otherwise, visit or contact Peggy Smith at 207-789-5299 or, or
Level I or Introductory Events (No prior NVC experience required)
March 11-13, 2011, Norway, ME
March 26-27, 2011, Bangor, ME
May 14-15, 2011, Belfast, ME
Level II Intermediate Events (Prior NVC experience required)
April 11-13, 2011, Falmouth
* Marriage Savers PREPARE-ENRICH training webinar,
March 5, 2011, at your church, through, PowerPoint projected on your screen, plus phone connections for interactive conversation. Professionals can earn 7 CEUs. Call 301 469-5873 for details and to register for one of the limited number of group slots. Excellent opportunity to train mentor couples and a Trainer to teach others. Email for a free sample inventory experience.
* Family Builders Events
207-361-1030, ,
Parenting Seminar, March 26, 2011, Newburyport, MA
Married Couples Weekend, April 15-17, 2011, Jaffrey, NH
Married Couples Weekend, September 23-24, 2011, New Durham, NH
* Retrouvaille Weekends: Rediscover a Loving Marriage … (Boston Area)800-470-2230, April 1-3, 2011 or September 16-18, 2011
* Getting the Love You Want Couples’ Weekend
April 9-10, 2011, Westborough, Massachusetts Bruce and Betsey Bergquist, , 908-735-7650
FMI on any of these events, contact Jane P. Ives, United Methodist Marriage and Family Ministries Consultant, 10 Quaker Lane, Portland, ME 04103 207-797-8930,
Features Dr. Scott Turansky and Mrs. Joanne Miller (RN, BSN) of the National Center for Biblical Parenting. They are nationally recognized speakers and the authors of Parenting is Heart Work, Home Improvement, and Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes. Details and registration online at .
* PAIRS: Practical Applications of Intimate Relationship Skills
This research based and highly recommended program is now available in New England, with three events coming soon to Gilford, NH. For more information, visit or call Louise Bastille, retreat registrar, at 603-556-1343
March 4 and 5, 2011 Begins Friday at 5:30 p.m. and ends before dinner Saturday.
April 8 and 9, 2011 Begins Friday at 5:30 p.m. and ends before dinner Saturday.
May 7, 14, and 21, 2011 Saturday mornings 9 a.m. to noon
* Nonviolent Communication Workshops in Maine
For more information about any of these events, except where noted otherwise, visit or contact Peggy Smith at 207-789-5299 or, or
Level I or Introductory Events (No prior NVC experience required)
March 11-13, 2011, Norway, ME
March 26-27, 2011, Bangor, ME
May 14-15, 2011, Belfast, ME
Level II Intermediate Events (Prior NVC experience required)
April 11-13, 2011, Falmouth
* Marriage Savers PREPARE-ENRICH training webinar,
March 5, 2011, at your church, through, PowerPoint projected on your screen, plus phone connections for interactive conversation. Professionals can earn 7 CEUs. Call 301 469-5873 for details and to register for one of the limited number of group slots. Excellent opportunity to train mentor couples and a Trainer to teach others. Email for a free sample inventory experience.
* Family Builders Events
207-361-1030, ,
Parenting Seminar, March 26, 2011, Newburyport, MA
Married Couples Weekend, April 15-17, 2011, Jaffrey, NH
Married Couples Weekend, September 23-24, 2011, New Durham, NH
* Retrouvaille Weekends: Rediscover a Loving Marriage … (Boston Area)800-470-2230, April 1-3, 2011 or September 16-18, 2011
* Getting the Love You Want Couples’ Weekend
April 9-10, 2011, Westborough, Massachusetts Bruce and Betsey Bergquist, , 908-735-7650
FMI on any of these events, contact Jane P. Ives, United Methodist Marriage and Family Ministries Consultant, 10 Quaker Lane, Portland, ME 04103 207-797-8930,
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Peoples Plant Sale May 21
Sponsored by Peoples Garden Club , this is a way to do something for Stewardship and to benefit world missions through Peoples mission shares.
We would like anyone who has perennials to share to pot them up, label them (including color if known) and bring them to the playground in back of the church on Friday the 20th. We can use extra pots, and shallow cardboard boxes to put plants in for the sale. It will be held in the driveway at the corner of Broadway and Mussey Street.
FMI please contact Carol Bruneau at 799-5995.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Friendly Reminder
For those who schedule church events which use building space, please contact the building coordinator, Rosemary Herd at 799-2392 to verify that space is available. Peoples is very active in ministry as well as providing space for other groups so scheduling can sometimes be complex! Thank you for your cooperation.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Partners in Ministry February 2011 Edition
Dear Partners in Ministry,
♦ TAKE JESUS WITH YOU. The East Longmeadow (MA) UMC gave all their members a homemade Jesus finger puppet last summer to take with them wherever they went. As one of the organizers of the project noted, this was "to ensure that we were aware that Jesus was with us as we vacationed and to take pictures to send back" to the church. A wonderful variety of pictures were received and displayed. There were folks with the the Grand Canyon...on a Disney...having fun at the family the car after a long, hot day driving....etc. It also created opportunities to share that Jesus is with us with strangers who noticed the Jesus finger puppets....and the pictures being taken. Kids and adults had a great time celebrating their faith that Jesus was with them. The theme carried over into Advent when the whole nativity story came alive in finger puppets. They even gave one to me....(Bishops really need to remember that Jesus is with them too!)
This is a creative, 21st century version of the old hymn (#536): "Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow and of woe; it will joy and comfort give you, take it then where’re you go!" There are lots of great (and fun) ways to celebrate that Jesus is with us.....may He be with you always....everywhere.
♦ FLIPPING FOR MISSIONS. Just as the service was beginning last Sunday at the Hampton (NH) UMC, a man started down the center isle. I thought he was looking for a seat. Then he pulled out a frying pan and began to flip a huge pancake. He had everyone’s attention...flipping along....ooops he missed it....laughter....another try....he made it....applause. When he got to the front he announced it was ALL FOR MISSIONS! Shrove Tuesday they would have a pancake breakfast to raise funds to support the United Methodist Maine (Down East) Economic Ministry.
With such enthusiasm and creative presentation of the mission challenge, I realized why this church continues to be deeply engaged in mission...mission teams...working with the homeless....100% mission shares....Advance specials....Haiti.....peace with Justice.....mission studies....youth mission projects.....etc.
Is your church flipping for missions.....lifting up the great mission opportunities we United Methodists have here in our community, in New England, and around the world? Learn about all these opportunities on our web site....and share the stories in ways that get people's attention....and involvement.
♦ SMALL GROUPS, SMALL GROUPS, SMALL GROUPS. The Leominster (MA) UMC is finding joy and growth (spiritually and numerically) in small groups. They now have nine small groups meeting weekly (mostly in homes) studying the "Essential 100" passages of the Bible: five each week, fifty from the Old Testament, fifty from the New Testament. It is enriching the participants, the congregation and drawing new people (who are more likely to come to your's easier to get to know each other in a small group....and don't forget the Methodist cookies....or celery). The pastor may lead one or two groups, but he or she should really equip the laity to lead most of them.....a great way to use lay speakers. Think creatively about where and when to have small groups. Here's a list of places small groups were started by churches I served: in the mill, at an automobile dealer, in the jail, after-school "club" at the high school, at the Y, in senior citizen apartment building, a senior center, a youth gym, in restaurants over breakfast or lunch, at the university, in a homeless shelter, in a downtown office building, in "the projects," at a city park (for teens hanging out in the summer), in neighborhood homes all over the community. You can add to the list of possibilities.....wherever there are people.
Small groups were the secret of John Wesley's method for Methodists. A recent study of our most vital United Methodist Churches says small groups are a key to their vitality. Lent would be a great time to start new groups...during the week....or as new Sunday School classes for adults or young adults. Or, as I suggested around Christmas, plan new small groups to meet after Easter to meet the needs of the "seekers" or inactive members who will show up at Easter....invite them to keep least for a new small group. There are resources available through our Conference resource/media center....often with DVDs to help "lead" the small group.
Try it....and let me know how it goes....what good resources you discovered....where and when you had it??? THINK SMALL.....GROUP.
♦ PPP. During worship at the North Charlestown (NH) UMC, people and the pastor lifted up names of shut-ins or folks in the community who were in need. Then the pastor called the congregation to the three P's: Prayer, Phone, Postcard. In other words, what will we do to connect, build relationship with these people? I would add a fourth P: "Pop in and visit." Clearly this church (founded in 1811) is still practicing and growing through building relationships with their neighbors.
I remember visiting another United Methodist church where the pastor asked people in the congregation to raise their hands if they would be willing to call or visit that week the person whose name was being lifted up for prayer. The list was long. There were about 1,000 in attendance. It was inspiring to see the number of people who committed themselves to "follow up" with a caring PPP or P with at least one person on the list. It could happen in your church too.
♦ SIT TOGETHER MORE. On Jan. 23, the Sunday before President Obama's State of the Union Address, I was preaching in Springfield, VT. The service was at 9:30 a.m., it was 5 degrees below zero, and there was the usual snow and ice to contend with (after all "it's winter in New England"....I know, I've shoveled snow off my roof, too). I arrived at the church about a half an hour early and was followed into the building by an older gentleman who was all bundled up. (I later found out that he is 93 years old....I am so inspired by the "senior saints" in our churches.) "You must be the Bishop," he said. (He could probably tell by my "frozen" expression that I was "from away.") Without skipping a beat he went on, "Do you think they'll sit together?" He could tell that I didn't know what he was talking about...and I didn't. "Sit know the Congress!" "Oh, yes." I blurted, finally waking up and warming up enough to respond. Then with a quiet wisdom, he added, "I think we need to sit together more." How true.
People started arriving for worship...and sitting together. Young and old, the more affluent and the less, singles and couples, the robust and the frail, those who sang and those who just listened, all of our differences gathered together in one place...for the one purpose to worship the one God. We talked about the two teenagers, Leah, 16, and Connor, 15, who had committed suicide earlier that week in the area....we asked questions together...sought a Word from the Lord together....prayed for them...and us. During joys and concerns there was mention of cancer and unemployment and birthdays and hospitalizations and world peace and silent thoughts too deep or private for words. But there we sat together. A young doctor from Virginia had "come home" to check on his mother and her house. He stood, and with a voice full of emotion thanked the congregation for all of their caring and support.....for being the church.....sitting and praying and serving and hoping and believing together.
I give great thanks to God for all of our congregations that gather, as Springfield does, as the Body of Christ, in all of our diversity, One. Through Christ, God has made us partners in this ministry. May we all learn "to sit together more" and discover in each other the gifts of this partnership....even when it’s five below zero.
Grace and Peace,
See Bishop Weaver's new Partners in Ministry blog:
♦ TAKE JESUS WITH YOU. The East Longmeadow (MA) UMC gave all their members a homemade Jesus finger puppet last summer to take with them wherever they went. As one of the organizers of the project noted, this was "to ensure that we were aware that Jesus was with us as we vacationed and to take pictures to send back" to the church. A wonderful variety of pictures were received and displayed. There were folks with the the Grand Canyon...on a Disney...having fun at the family the car after a long, hot day driving....etc. It also created opportunities to share that Jesus is with us with strangers who noticed the Jesus finger puppets....and the pictures being taken. Kids and adults had a great time celebrating their faith that Jesus was with them. The theme carried over into Advent when the whole nativity story came alive in finger puppets. They even gave one to me....(Bishops really need to remember that Jesus is with them too!)
This is a creative, 21st century version of the old hymn (#536): "Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow and of woe; it will joy and comfort give you, take it then where’re you go!" There are lots of great (and fun) ways to celebrate that Jesus is with us.....may He be with you always....everywhere.
♦ FLIPPING FOR MISSIONS. Just as the service was beginning last Sunday at the Hampton (NH) UMC, a man started down the center isle. I thought he was looking for a seat. Then he pulled out a frying pan and began to flip a huge pancake. He had everyone’s attention...flipping along....ooops he missed it....laughter....another try....he made it....applause. When he got to the front he announced it was ALL FOR MISSIONS! Shrove Tuesday they would have a pancake breakfast to raise funds to support the United Methodist Maine (Down East) Economic Ministry.
With such enthusiasm and creative presentation of the mission challenge, I realized why this church continues to be deeply engaged in mission...mission teams...working with the homeless....100% mission shares....Advance specials....Haiti.....peace with Justice.....mission studies....youth mission projects.....etc.
Is your church flipping for missions.....lifting up the great mission opportunities we United Methodists have here in our community, in New England, and around the world? Learn about all these opportunities on our web site....and share the stories in ways that get people's attention....and involvement.
♦ SMALL GROUPS, SMALL GROUPS, SMALL GROUPS. The Leominster (MA) UMC is finding joy and growth (spiritually and numerically) in small groups. They now have nine small groups meeting weekly (mostly in homes) studying the "Essential 100" passages of the Bible: five each week, fifty from the Old Testament, fifty from the New Testament. It is enriching the participants, the congregation and drawing new people (who are more likely to come to your's easier to get to know each other in a small group....and don't forget the Methodist cookies....or celery). The pastor may lead one or two groups, but he or she should really equip the laity to lead most of them.....a great way to use lay speakers. Think creatively about where and when to have small groups. Here's a list of places small groups were started by churches I served: in the mill, at an automobile dealer, in the jail, after-school "club" at the high school, at the Y, in senior citizen apartment building, a senior center, a youth gym, in restaurants over breakfast or lunch, at the university, in a homeless shelter, in a downtown office building, in "the projects," at a city park (for teens hanging out in the summer), in neighborhood homes all over the community. You can add to the list of possibilities.....wherever there are people.
Small groups were the secret of John Wesley's method for Methodists. A recent study of our most vital United Methodist Churches says small groups are a key to their vitality. Lent would be a great time to start new groups...during the week....or as new Sunday School classes for adults or young adults. Or, as I suggested around Christmas, plan new small groups to meet after Easter to meet the needs of the "seekers" or inactive members who will show up at Easter....invite them to keep least for a new small group. There are resources available through our Conference resource/media center....often with DVDs to help "lead" the small group.
Try it....and let me know how it goes....what good resources you discovered....where and when you had it??? THINK SMALL.....GROUP.
♦ PPP. During worship at the North Charlestown (NH) UMC, people and the pastor lifted up names of shut-ins or folks in the community who were in need. Then the pastor called the congregation to the three P's: Prayer, Phone, Postcard. In other words, what will we do to connect, build relationship with these people? I would add a fourth P: "Pop in and visit." Clearly this church (founded in 1811) is still practicing and growing through building relationships with their neighbors.
I remember visiting another United Methodist church where the pastor asked people in the congregation to raise their hands if they would be willing to call or visit that week the person whose name was being lifted up for prayer. The list was long. There were about 1,000 in attendance. It was inspiring to see the number of people who committed themselves to "follow up" with a caring PPP or P with at least one person on the list. It could happen in your church too.
♦ SIT TOGETHER MORE. On Jan. 23, the Sunday before President Obama's State of the Union Address, I was preaching in Springfield, VT. The service was at 9:30 a.m., it was 5 degrees below zero, and there was the usual snow and ice to contend with (after all "it's winter in New England"....I know, I've shoveled snow off my roof, too). I arrived at the church about a half an hour early and was followed into the building by an older gentleman who was all bundled up. (I later found out that he is 93 years old....I am so inspired by the "senior saints" in our churches.) "You must be the Bishop," he said. (He could probably tell by my "frozen" expression that I was "from away.") Without skipping a beat he went on, "Do you think they'll sit together?" He could tell that I didn't know what he was talking about...and I didn't. "Sit know the Congress!" "Oh, yes." I blurted, finally waking up and warming up enough to respond. Then with a quiet wisdom, he added, "I think we need to sit together more." How true.
People started arriving for worship...and sitting together. Young and old, the more affluent and the less, singles and couples, the robust and the frail, those who sang and those who just listened, all of our differences gathered together in one place...for the one purpose to worship the one God. We talked about the two teenagers, Leah, 16, and Connor, 15, who had committed suicide earlier that week in the area....we asked questions together...sought a Word from the Lord together....prayed for them...and us. During joys and concerns there was mention of cancer and unemployment and birthdays and hospitalizations and world peace and silent thoughts too deep or private for words. But there we sat together. A young doctor from Virginia had "come home" to check on his mother and her house. He stood, and with a voice full of emotion thanked the congregation for all of their caring and support.....for being the church.....sitting and praying and serving and hoping and believing together.
I give great thanks to God for all of our congregations that gather, as Springfield does, as the Body of Christ, in all of our diversity, One. Through Christ, God has made us partners in this ministry. May we all learn "to sit together more" and discover in each other the gifts of this partnership....even when it’s five below zero.
Grace and Peace,
See Bishop Weaver's new Partners in Ministry blog:
Saturday, February 12, 2011
PandaMania Camp July 11-15

You may click here to Register for Vacation Bible Camp.
You may also want to check out Last Year's High Seas Expedition Camp Photos!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
New Nursery Staff at Peoples!
Peoples has hired two workers to share the nursery staff position. We praise God for this answer to prayer!
Please welcome Adrienne Bowden as the lead nursery staff working three Sundays/month, and Margaret Robinson as the assistant nursery staff working one Sunday month. Adrienne will also be scheduling Peoples volunteers each week beginning soon for March through May. If you would be willing to join the volunteer list to serve once every three months, please contact Adrienne.
Margaret Robinson who has attended Peoples for several years now, is the daughter of Catherine Whittemore and is a Senior in High School. Margaret hopes to attend USM next year, majoring in sign language.
Welcome, Adrienne and Margaret!
Sunday School Family Pizza Gathering March 3

Tuesday, February 08, 2011
No More Print Newsletter
The pastors decided together with Church Council on February 8 to discontinue the print version of the Peoples Newsletter. All event info will continue to be posted here on the blog and in the worship bulletin, and the most important events highlighted on facebook along with other articles and photos. If we receive enough feedback to bring back the print version we will be looking for lay volunteers to take on this task. See you online!
New Peoples Youth Group, with a Purpose!
The bad news is the Regional Jr & Sr. High Youth Group has been discontinued, but the good news is that Peoples Church alone has enough youth to begin our own youth group. All youth are invited to join us for dinner on February 13 at 5:30pm at Peoples. And bring a friend!
The Peoples Youth Group will be focusing on missions such as world hunger and habitat for humanity with fun and meaningful activities for youth to engage these issues. We hope you will encourage your tweens and teens to join up!
FMI please contact Pastor Jamie at 799.6814.
The Peoples Youth Group will be focusing on missions such as world hunger and habitat for humanity with fun and meaningful activities for youth to engage these issues. We hope you will encourage your tweens and teens to join up!
FMI please contact Pastor Jamie at 799.6814.
Out of Egypt Kickoff February 20
On Sunday, February 20 we will have the Kickoff for “Out of Egypt,” the next PowerXpress center-based unit, and February 27 there will be a fun group activity for all the kids. FMI or to register your child in Sunday School, contact Andy Folley at 749-5702.
Summer Mission Trip: Going Back to Wilmington!
The Peoples Mission Team has sensed God’s call to return to Urban Promise in Wilmington , DE this summer, and will be traveling June 25-July 2. Ages 11+ are invited to join the team, and we will be taking registrations with $50 deposit through May 31. The next team meeting will take place March 6 after worship. FMI contact Pastor Gwyneth at 409-5530.
Chili-Chowder Cookoff April 10
We will have our first Chili-Chowder Cookoff Mission Team Fundraiser, April 10 after worship, 11:30am-1:30pm So get your chili and chowder recipes out! More info will be provided soon, and please contact Fred Wade to help out.
Sunday, February 06, 2011
What is Lent?
Lent begins on March 9, Ash Wednesday. "Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and taking stock. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a time to prepare for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism (which would take place on Easter). By observing the forty days of Lent, the individual Christian imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days. Because Sunday is the day of the Resurrection, we skip over Sundays when we calculate the length of Lent. Therefore, in the Western Church, Lent always begins on Ash Wednesday, the seventh Wednesday before Easter." (quoted from where you can read in more detail)
Jesus spent forty days in the desert preparing for his ministry. He was "tested" during this time, approached by demons offering him the opportunity to be the wrong kind of messiah. He rejected each possibility, and simply did the will of the Father, which also foreshadowed his final testing and defeat of evil through the cross and resurrection.
Jesus fasted during these forty days, and one of his temptations was to use his power to assuage his hunger rather than to depend on God. During Lent, we likewise can experience a deeper dependence on God through fasting. Some fast from food once a week during Lent. Others give up something during the entire forty days of Lent, such as chocolate or meat, TV or Internet or unnecessary purchases.
In depriving ourselves of some pleasure for a period, we discover what of the world enslaves us and we learn to trust and depend on God as we battle each temptation. As we experience the pangs of hunger or desire, we are reminded to pray. Fasting even seems to sharpen our senses and open our eyes to those in need around us. And fasting frees up time we would have spent eating, watching TV, on the internet, or shopping to use in service of others, and frees up financial resources that can be given to the needy.
It may be most helpful then to consider not just what to "give up for Lent," but what to "take on during Lent." How is God calling us to love the Lord with more of our heart, mind, soul and strength? How is God calling us to love and serve others more faithfully? And likewise, what might God be calling us to give up to enable us to do so? May we together respond to God's call to deeper our discipleship this holy Lenten season.
Heads up for Lent!
During the 40 Days of Lent leading up to Easter, Peoples will be hosting several opportunities to grow in our faith. These include:
- Wednesday Worship at 7pm, hosted by different United Methodist Churches in our area each week. The series begins on Ash Wednesday, March 9 at Cape Elizabeth UMC with Pastor Jamie preaching.
- Taize Prayer and Meditation services, Sundays 7pm during Lent, beginning March 13 through April 17.
- Easter Experience Small Group study, which was used during Lent last year by the Tuesday morning Bible Study and highly recommended. We will be looking for homes and leaders shortly!
- Bake Sales During Lent: Sundays after worship there will be different types of food and baked goods for sale to benefit different ministries of the church.
Friday, February 04, 2011
Come Serve at the Root Cellar February 24 5pm
Peoples is scheduled to host the Root Cellar weekly community dinner, music and message on Thursday, February 24 at 5pm, which provides food, spiritual and physical, for many needy families and children. If you can help serve or provide food, please contact Carol Bruneau at 799-5995. Thank you!
Thursday, February 03, 2011
Swap Shop at Our Sister Church

Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Pastors on Vacation Feb 21-27
The pastors will be away during school vacation week, February 21-27. Please contact Tom and Barbara Nelson for any church business or pastoral care needs at 799-6321. Thank you.
How Can I Be a More Faithful Steward?

· Promise-Giving: It’s one thing to give each week during the offering, but takes a next-level commitment to the Lord to Promise-Give an amount each week, whether we are in worship or not. Promise Cards and envelopes are provided on the back table and can be placed in the offering anytime.
· E-Giving: This is a safe and private method in which you can set up your giving with auto-withdraw. The many advantages for givers and the church are listed on the E-giving cards provided in the pews.
· Return Bottles: Just ask Sue Angell for a set of CLYNK bags, fill them up with your return bottles, and return to any Hannaford. All money from CLYNK goes to Mission Shares, which helps to support such ministries as Methodist camps like Mechuwana, retired clergy, UMCOR administration and conference salaries.
· Use and powered by Yahoo, and you can raise money for Peoples at no cost to you just by using the Internet!
· Take the Good $ense workshop, a video-based series on personal finances from a Christian perspective. The workbook and video can be used in a small group or checked out of the church library to use at home with your family.
· Will: Consider adding Peoples UMC to your will in order to leave a lasting legacy.
If you have any questions on giving, please contact Financial Secretary, Kathy Brann at 799-1981 or any member of the Finance Committee.
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