· Promise-Giving: It’s one thing to give each week during the offering, but takes a next-level commitment to the Lord to Promise-Give an amount each week, whether we are in worship or not. Promise Cards and envelopes are provided on the back table and can be placed in the offering anytime.
· E-Giving: This is a safe and private method in which you can set up your giving with auto-withdraw. The many advantages for givers and the church are listed on the E-giving cards provided in the pews.
· Return Bottles: Just ask Sue Angell for a set of CLYNK bags, fill them up with your return bottles, and return to any Hannaford. All money from CLYNK goes to Mission Shares, which helps to support such ministries as Methodist camps like Mechuwana, retired clergy, UMCOR administration and conference salaries.
· Use GoodShop.com and GoodSearch.com powered by Yahoo, and you can raise money for Peoples at no cost to you just by using the Internet!
· Take the Good $ense workshop, a video-based series on personal finances from a Christian perspective. The workbook and video can be used in a small group or checked out of the church library to use at home with your family.
· Will: Consider adding Peoples UMC to your will in order to leave a lasting legacy.
If you have any questions on giving, please contact Financial Secretary, Kathy Brann at 799-1981 or any member of the Finance Committee.
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