Submitted by Sue Angell
Ellen Dunn, afire from the mission trip to Delaware (during which one of the projects was organizing donated school supplies), came up with the idea that we should help the Root Cellar by providing school supplies. The Root Cellar said basic supplies are needed.... 3-ring binders, spiral notebooks, filler paper (w/3-holes), pocket folders, pens, and pencils. So if you have already started buying your children's supplies and know what kids need, it would be delightful if you could pick up some extras.
If you personally are finding it difficult in these hard times to buy your children supplies, privately let either pastor know that you could use some help. Many of you are away having a wonderful time on vacation and might prefer to send a check, marked school supplies, instead of purchasing things.
This is a wonderful opportunity to be in mission within our community!
FMI contact Ellen Dunn at 767-8049 or Carol Bruneau at 799-5995. Supplies will be collected through September 12.
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