Monday, April 12, 2010

Mission Trip to ???

The originally planned mission trip to Baltimore is in revision as Experience Mission is no longer leading trips to Baltimore. The mission team from Peoples is still excited to go on a mission trip July 11-17 and there are several good options, including Urban Promise in Wilmington, Delaware, Experience Mission in Appalachia, West Virginia, and some others as well. Both Urban Promise and Experience Mission provide opportunities for "program" mission working with children as well as light "project" mission such as painting, gardening and helping in a soup kitchen.

Mission Meetings: The mission team is meeting Sunday, May 2 after worship to prayerfully decide our itinerary for the July trip. We will be meeting several more times together to pray, discuss our detailed itinerary, learn more about the mission location, plan transportation and fundraising, etc.

Registration: Since the trip itinerary has been changed, we are extending the registration deadline to May 30. Please contact Pastor Gwyneth or Betsy Morrison if you have questions or for more information. We currently have 6 registered and may be able to take a few more.

Ways You Can Help!

Attend our Spaghetti Lunch Mission Trip Fundraiser. Lunch will be hosted by the Morrions after worship on June 13. All proceeds will go toward mission supplies and providing financial assistance for those going on the mission trip.

Pray for the Team. Pray on your own or join one of the prayer vigils we will be scheduling before and during the mission trip.

Sponsor someone to go on the mission trip. The cost is approximately $300 per person plus travel and food for the group.

Sign up to purchase or lend needed mission supplies. List will be published shortly!

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