The Finance Committee and a few others met together with our District Superintendent, Rev. Mike Davis to discuss our financial situation at Peoples on April 7. Also attending was Pete
Lanoue from Thornton Heights and member of CF&A (Conference Council on Finance and Administration). Pete volunteered his assistance since Thornton was in a similar position to Peoples a few years ago and has overcome!
Is there a doctor in the house?!
Overall this was a very positive meeting, emphasizing the Conference's desire to see Peoples succeed and grow, and help us in any way they can. Mike described initiating this conversation over our church's financial situation as similar to a doctor finding a patient with a fever. In the last two years, the church has dropped from paying 60-70% of mission shares to the Conference, to paying 6-8% of mission shares. Naturally the Conference is asking, "Is Peoples
ok?" Mission shares helps support camps like
Mechuwana, pay pensions for retired pastors, support overhead costs for the
UMC mission organization
UMCOR, and many other
missional areas. Go to this link to find out
more info about mission shares.
Our Culture is Not Churched!
We are not alone in our financial struggles. In generally, all mainline churches (Methodist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic, Baptist, etc.) are struggling, shrinking and closing in every part of our country. Mike emphasized the church's need to adjust to the changing culture which no longer views the church with respect but rather suspicion and even contempt. We need to view our communities as a mission field where we need to reach out into the community to connect with people, rather than expecting folks to knock on our door. Most of church growth is coming from transfers from other congregations - we need to begin making disciples of Jesus Christ again!
Our NEED to Give
We also reviewed together the pledges and giving by category, which revealed that our budget is mostly being supported by about 9 families (those giving more than $50/week). This means that many families may be missing out on the joy of giving, and the joy of tithing (giving a percentage of income to the church). More important than meeting a budget is our spiritual need to give. Giving is about our relationship with God and reveals how much we trust God's provision for our needs.
Where to from here?
We have a few new folks who have volunteered to help out the Finance Committee in the area of stewardship and applying for mission share relief for 2011-2016 that includes a plan for paying 100% of the remainder owed to the conference each year. You may have noticed some stewardship information on the bulletin board at the entrance to the sanctuary put together by Rosemary Herd. We hope to have people witness in worship about the joy they have experienced in giving, to provide more education around mission shares as a wonderful opportunity to be in mission all around the world, and to stretch all of us in our concept of joyful and extravagant giving so that we might reap the wonderful joy that God has in store for us.
Please continue to be in prayer for Peoples as we seek God and trust in his provision!