Inside the activities included three puppet shows shown throughout the carnival, complete with a brand new puppet stage. The puppet show on the story of Creation brought many laughs and some learning too. The Sunday School brought in a large display of pictures and information to hand out to many prospective kids and parents. Games such as indoor golf, ducks in the water, pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, and "fishers of people" were very popular. In addition, the craft ministry drew the attention of many kids.
Another highlight of the carnival was face painting, and some of the teens and even littler ones enjoyed a hand at painting some faces as well. Others brought in displays of how Peoples people are making a difference, such as the prayer shawl ministry, choir, and Pastor Gwyneth's mission to Nicaragua.
Many thanks to the Church Life Committee for heading up this fun event, and for all of the volunteers who helped set up, staff and take down!
For a photo album of the event, go to

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