Saturday, July 11, 2009

Kitchen Cleaning

Submitted by Susan Angell

Dear Fellow Cleaners,
I must say that the cleaning of the kitchen was a great project. The idea that every platter, bowl, plate, cup, cabinet shelf, etc. was washed sparkling clean as well as the walls, the floors and all fixtures was certainly a great accomplishment. Cleaning the refrig by Betty and Barb was super. Finishing up with that center table with all of its pots and cookie sheets and breadboards and THAT kitchen tool drawer was the frosting on the cake. The restocking of the first aid kit was too.
Best of all was working side by side with you all and experiencing the fellowship. Thank you Betty for leading and directing us all and working, working, working, thank you Kathy for washing and washing and washing the dishes, Barbara for sneaking in and doing all kinds of icky stuff like the fans and the freezer section of refrig, Amy especially for cleaning that gross section where the dish washing racks are stored, Carol especially for bringing order to the kitchen tool drawer which was an extraordinary feat and Joyce for assisting in whatever task was needed.
Blessings, Susan

1 comment:

Gwyneth Arrison said...

Emailed by Doreen Gay: Thank you all for your work on this project, it's been an issue for the trustees for as long as I can remember. On two occasions I tried to start "Adopt a Room" in order to keep our church in good, clean, and safe condition. You'll find that after all your hard work to get the kitchen in great shape, that it will be painful to see any neglect done to it. I find that with the projects I've done. When you spend weeks cleaning, or painting, as I've done, the space becomes more meaningful to you. I know I will respect all you've done by doing my best to keep it clean and orderly. My only regret is that I was unable to join in the fun and fellowship you all experienced.

I know I speak for all the trustees when I say thank you!

God Bless,