Submitted by Kathy Brann:
A wonderful heartfelt “Thank You” goes out to the congregation and to God our Savior. Isn’t it amazing what God can do with a challenge? The “Rising to the Need 2009” request has made it possible for our Treasurer to be able to pay the bills that were behind. We can say Praise God for those answered prayers. Even with this economy we were able to raise these funds.
Many people looked outside the box and found creative ways to give.
* Many people covenanted to pray daily or weekly for our finances
* Special gifts for Rising to the Need totaled $2,575.00
* Some Pledgers paid the remainder of their pledges in 2009 and some
people paid ahead total of $4,165.00
* Two people became new pledgers for a total of $30.00 per week
* 7 pledgers increased their pledges to a total of $42.00 per week
(this may total vary as some pledgers will give extra as they can)
We are not in a clear sailing mode yet but at least we have our heads above water. There are still people working on different ways to help the finances with the jars and boxes of coins to be passed in after the summer. The counters can hardly wait to count all those coins.
So let us keep up the good work and Praise God for all He does in our live.
Financial Secretary,
Kathleen Brann
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Member's Financial Challenge
One member of the church was inspired by the Rising to the Need 2009 pledge campaign this Spring, and after much prayer has offered the church a fun challenge. Here is the letter:
"To members and friends of Peoples Church: I would like to give you a challenge. Can you meet my pledge? I have enclosed my pledge in a sealed envelope. This I will give to Rev. Gwyneth Arrison to hold. I am challenging you to meet that amount. If you can do so, I will double my pledge. In effect you will have doubled yours. The rules are simple: place your extra change in an envelope marked "special challenge" - you are on your honor not to put your weekly pledge in there. When you (the church) think you have reached my pledge - only then can my pledge be revealed. I do not think the amount is unattainable but you might have to scratch a little bit. You might wonder who this member is - my name is not important. Besides, I might want to do this again in 5 or 10 years! Go for it! God bless!"
"P.S. I think it would be nice to think of this as a Christmas present to God's work. But if you think you can do it sooner, do so. Make it a fun game."
"To members and friends of Peoples Church: I would like to give you a challenge. Can you meet my pledge? I have enclosed my pledge in a sealed envelope. This I will give to Rev. Gwyneth Arrison to hold. I am challenging you to meet that amount. If you can do so, I will double my pledge. In effect you will have doubled yours. The rules are simple: place your extra change in an envelope marked "special challenge" - you are on your honor not to put your weekly pledge in there. When you (the church) think you have reached my pledge - only then can my pledge be revealed. I do not think the amount is unattainable but you might have to scratch a little bit. You might wonder who this member is - my name is not important. Besides, I might want to do this again in 5 or 10 years! Go for it! God bless!"
"P.S. I think it would be nice to think of this as a Christmas present to God's work. But if you think you can do it sooner, do so. Make it a fun game."
WOW: Worship on Willard!

Start at 310 Broadway, South Portland going toward the college (away from the bridge)
Turn right on Preble Street. Go .4 miles
Turn left on Franklin Terrace. Go .1 miles
Turn right on Willow Street
Parking lot is on left, approximately 22 Willow Street
Turn right on Preble Street. Go .4 miles
Turn left on Franklin Terrace. Go .1 miles
Turn right on Willow Street
Parking lot is on left, approximately 22 Willow Street
Distance: 1.1 miles Time: 4 minutes
Yard Sale & Strawberry Festival 2009!
Yard Sale Donations and Help Needed
Barbara Nelson and Chris Bowker have generously volunteered to run our church yard sale and strawberry festival this year on Saturday, July 25 9am to 2pm. They cannot, however, do it alone. We need the items filling your closets, garages and attics. We need your soups and baked goods. We need your time and strength for setting and cleaning up. Please contact Barbara for yard sale items and help and Chris for offers of help with food. This is always a fun and successful event, but it needs you.
Please DO NOT donate the following items: refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, computers, and microwaves. Items can begin to be dropped off beginning Sunday, July 19 after church - please no donations before this. Items should be placed in Ellis Hall (but NOT the Sunday School room). If you need help getting things picked up, please contact Barbara Nelson.
Items not sold will be donated, or if large will be placed outside by the side of the road with a "free" sign, weather permitting. Please collect any large unsold items that will be difficult for the church to dispose of by Sunday, July 26. If you need assistance with this, or have any questions with any yard sale issues, please contact Barbara Nelson at 799-6321. Thank you!
Please DO NOT donate the following items: refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, computers, and microwaves. Items can begin to be dropped off beginning Sunday, July 19 after church - please no donations before this. Items should be placed in Ellis Hall (but NOT the Sunday School room). If you need help getting things picked up, please contact Barbara Nelson.
Items not sold will be donated, or if large will be placed outside by the side of the road with a "free" sign, weather permitting. Please collect any large unsold items that will be difficult for the church to dispose of by Sunday, July 26. If you need assistance with this, or have any questions with any yard sale issues, please contact Barbara Nelson at 799-6321. Thank you!
Scouts Close out the 2009 Year

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Dogs and People were Blessed!
The blessing of the dogs worship celebration at Bug Light was hosted on June 28. Although a foggy and a bit drizzly, we had about 30 people attending, and just as many dogs. The South Portland Dog Owners Association helped with publicity and brought food. Many folks came out from Peoples to welcome those who came out for this event from the community. Pastor Jamie led worship together with Michael Schools on guitar. We hope more will join us on Willard Beach as we continue Sunday morning weekly worship at 7:30am, with or without dogs!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Heads up For September
On September 10, the Sunday School is hosting a family pizza night for parents and teachers as a time for fellowship, sharing ideas, teacher training and Bible study on the upcoming unit. The Sunday School will be hosting 5 such family pizza nights throughout the 2009-2010 school year.
You don't want to miss our annual community fair, scheduled for Saturday, September 12 and serves as a fun kickoff for kids Sunday School with lots of games.
Worship time will change on September 13, the first Sunday after Labor Day.
Sunday School will begin September 13, and the first PowerXpress unit "Creation" begins September 20. Kids, you don't want to miss this!
You don't want to miss our annual community fair, scheduled for Saturday, September 12 and serves as a fun kickoff for kids Sunday School with lots of games.
Worship time will change on September 13, the first Sunday after Labor Day.
Sunday School will begin September 13, and the first PowerXpress unit "Creation" begins September 20. Kids, you don't want to miss this!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Join us at Wayside on July 29
Peoples serves at the Wayside Soup Kitchen every 5th Wednesday. Many from Peoples joined together on April 29 - some served in the kitchen, others waited on tables, and still others helped with drinks. Several also joined with us from other local organizations.
Why not try this exciting ministry? You will be very blessed. Peoples is next scheduled to serve on July 29. Helpers can arrive between 5-6pm, and the doors open at 6pm, with clean up generally done by 7:30pm. If you have any questions or need a ride, please contact Tom Nelson. After July, Peoples is next scheduled to serve on September 30 - please mark your calendars!
Why not try this exciting ministry? You will be very blessed. Peoples is next scheduled to serve on July 29. Helpers can arrive between 5-6pm, and the doors open at 6pm, with clean up generally done by 7:30pm. If you have any questions or need a ride, please contact Tom Nelson. After July, Peoples is next scheduled to serve on September 30 - please mark your calendars!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pastors Vacation Schedule
The pastors will be on vacation for two weeks this summer, from July 20 - August 2. You may contact the Lay Leader, Earle Harvey at 799-5088 if you need pastoral assistance and he can contact the clergy on call.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Gift Stole

Pastor Gwyneth Ordained
Several Peoples people drove down for the ordination service, including Barbara Nelson, Betty Lane, Betty and Wes Splettstoesser, as well as Merrill Kaiser and Earle Harvey who attended all of Annual Conference.
Jamie read Gwyneth's bio as she was brought out for
her ordination, and Gwyneth's ordination sponsors were Rev. Meg Queior and Earle Harvey. In addition to the Bishop, Meg, Earle and district superintendents Mike and Jan Davis laid hands on Gwyneth as she was ordained. The Bishop then placed the stole over Gwyneth's shoulders as the sign of an ordained elder, which is the first time pastors wear a stole.
Jamie read Gwyneth's bio as she was brought out for

What is the Ordination Process? This is the first time Peoples has received pastors who are not already ordained elders, and has been a wonderful opportunity for this church to better understand the process of ordination in Methodism.

Upon graduating seminary four years ago with a Masters in Divinity, and passing the first set of exams,
Gwyneth was at that time commissioned as a "probationary elder." This meant she was given all of the responsibilities and ministries of an elder within and outside of the local church, including administering the sacraments, but has not had vote within the United Methodist clergy. This time of probation serves as an opportunity for the Church to evaluate the ministry of an elder before bringing someone into full connection. For a full time pastor, the minimum probationary requirement is 3 years.
Gwyneth's petition was granted to go before the Board of Ordained Ministry for final exams after 4 years of part time ministry since Gwyneth and Jamie share one full time appointment. At the same time, Jamie has remained a local pastor, which means he has all of the responsibilities and ministries of an elder except only in his own local church, nor does he have vote in the clergy session and is not guaranteed an appointment as are ordained elders.

After passing these exams Fall 2009, there were additional requirements for Gwyneth, including an ordinands retreat, one-on-one meeting with the Bishop, affirmative vote by the clergy session at Annual Conference (and this year's ordinands all played musical instruments so they led a closing hymn together - Gwyneth on bassoon!), answering the Wesleyan Historic Questions before the entire Annual Conference ... and finally the service of ordination.
Friends from Nicaragua at Annual Conference!

In addition, it was a pleasure to again meet the President of the Iglesia de Cristo denomination as well as the newly elected President of the Evangelical Methodise denomination. All of these folks shared a bit in front of the Annual Conference, and were also present for a Nicaraguan Covenant dinner and a lunch seminar on the Nicaraguan Planning Committee.
Annual Conference is always a kind of "coming home" time for clergy and laity alike, as this is the one time of year when we all get together for lots of fellowship, prayer, worship and "holy conferencing." Laity and pastors enjoy seeing one another who have previously served together in another church. Pastors enjoy seeing those who have "itinerated" to areas of the conference out of commuting distance. However, this was also a special honor for Pastor Gwyneth to reunite with friends from Nicaragua.
Adam Hamilton at Annual Conference

Hamilton spoke on the topics of leadership, worship and outreach. He challenged us to bring the church into the present day, using an example of how music technology has changed in the last 50 years from playing records, to cassett tapes, to CDs, and now to Ipods with MP3s. Does our church look more like a "record" or an "Ipod"? He challenged churches that 50% of attendance AND leadership need to be young adults under 30 in order to be in touch with the changing world (and 50% over 30 to bring a sense of continuity and maturity). Another leadership principle that struck me was encouraging churches, when there is a fork in the road, take the harder and more sacrificial way as this is usually the way that leads to life.
He left us with three questions that church folks need to be able to answer clearly in order to have the passion and desire to invite people to church: 1) Why do people need Jesus Christ? (what makes Christianity unique from other religions)? 2) Why do people need the church? (why can't we just have religion on our own)? 3) Why do people need OUR church? (what does our church have to offer that other churches may not be offering)? We challenge you to answer these questions for yourself and discuss them with others.
Attending the New England Annual Conference this year were Pastors Gwyneth & Jamie, Earle Harvey as Lay Leader, and Merrill Kaiser as Lay Member to Annual Conference.
Other news at Annual Conference included voting on many Constitutional Amendments from General Conference, and welcoming Vermont (from the Troy Conference) into the New England Conference. For updated information about these and other agenda items, please go to
Pastors Appreciation Celebration
ubmitted by Gwyneth Arrison

Jamie and I want to say a huge thank you to Dan & Ruth Doughty and everyone who helped out and attended the celebration of four years of our ministry at Peoples on June 14.
Everything was very special, from the sailing theme decorations, excellent food and homemade cake (made by Carol Bruneau), to inviting our clergy mentor and friend Rev. Meg Queior, to everyone's personal notes and the gifts to our family which included gifts for the kids, note cards and gift certificates to Flatbreads and Portland
Schooner Company and free child care by Barbara Nelson!
And check out these great Christian sailing T-shirts!

We feel very honored and as I said when I shared my call to ministry story in church a few weeks ago, I can't imagine a better church to be serving than Peoples. And we look forward to more exciting ministry at Peoples in the years ahead. Thank you to everyone!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastors Jamie and Gwyneth
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Final Meeting Before Ordination!

Also, an article about my ordination was published in this week's South Portland Sentry which you can read at the link above, or go to (page 7) before 6/19.
Bishop Weaver presented all ordinands with a beautiful framed print of the Wesleyan Covenant Prayer, which I am holding in the photo. The Bishop has centered his ministry around this prayer, and I have been inspired to do likewise.
The one-on-one meetings with all of the ordinands were held at the historical Wilbraham Methodist Meeting House. Built as a Methodist Church in 1793, this meeting house, now a museum run by the Athenaeum Society, is the oldest Methodist Church still standing in New England. Francis Asbury held a Conference of preachers there in 1794, and preached there in 1795 and 1805. Jesse Lee held the first official session of the New England Conference there in 1797.
Although it was a 3.5 hour drive for a 30 minute meeting, it was inspirational to be within this historical building for my final ordination interview. Prayerfully, I will be ordained next Saturday, June 20, during Annual Conference at Gordon College.
Celebrating 2009 Graduates!
On Sunday June 14, Peoples Church will celebrate those who are graduating high school or college in 2009. Congradulations to all!
Members of Peoples UMC:
Ryan Gay
Son of Doreen and Alan Gay
Graduated from the University of Southern Maine on 05/15/09
Ryan earned his teaching certificate and is working toward his master's degree.
Chuck Kamilewicz
Husband of Joanne Kamilewicz
Graduated from Maine Medical Center's C.N.A. program on 06/04/09
Chuck will work as a Certified Nurse's Aide at Maine Medical Center.
Robert Kamilewicz
Son of Chuck and Joanne Kamilewicz
Graduated from Portland Adult Education on 03/19/09
Robert will work as a Certified Nurse's Aide at Maine Medical Center.
Kristina Kenney
Daughter of Barbara Kenney
Graduated from the University of Maine at Orono on 05/09/09
Kristina is seeking employment, leading to a career.
Dustin Matthews
Son of Dick and Cheryl Matthews and Tawnya Matthews, Grandson of Chris Ward
Dusty's interests include hockey and lacrosse. Dusty was co-captain of the hockey team for South Portland High School
Graduates from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Dusty will join the United States Coast Guard after graduation, and will continue his education at SMCC.
Matthew Seidl
Son of Frank and Sally Seidl - Grandson of Chris Ward
Matt's interests are basketball and baseball and he plays for SPHS
Graduates from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Matt will join the United States Navy following graduation.
Former Peoples Members:
Robyn Renee Gray
Daughter of Chuck and Joanne Kamilewicz
Graduated from Southern Maine Community College on 05/17/09
Robyn will be a registered nurse.
Ryan Wade
Son of Fred and Linda Wade
Graduated from Boston University on 05/09/09
Ryan will continue to teach music at Haviland Middle School in New York.
Relatives of Peoples Members:
Leah Greer
Daughter of Doug and Linda Greer - Granddaughter of Edward and Nancy Greer
Graduates from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Leah will be attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA.
Jenna Greer
Daughter of Walter Greer - Granddaughter of Edward and Nancy Greer
Graduates from Biddeford High School
Jenna will attend Goucher College in Baltimore, MD.
Kayla Huelin
Grandaughter of Janice Huelin
Gradues from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Sharon Wade
Daughter-in-law of Fred and Linda Wade
Graduated from Marist College on 05/09/09
Sharon is a school psychologist who is seeking employment.
Members of Peoples UMC:
Ryan Gay
Son of Doreen and Alan Gay
Graduated from the University of Southern Maine on 05/15/09
Ryan earned his teaching certificate and is working toward his master's degree.
Chuck Kamilewicz
Husband of Joanne Kamilewicz
Graduated from Maine Medical Center's C.N.A. program on 06/04/09
Chuck will work as a Certified Nurse's Aide at Maine Medical Center.
Robert Kamilewicz
Son of Chuck and Joanne Kamilewicz
Graduated from Portland Adult Education on 03/19/09
Robert will work as a Certified Nurse's Aide at Maine Medical Center.
Kristina Kenney
Daughter of Barbara Kenney
Graduated from the University of Maine at Orono on 05/09/09
Kristina is seeking employment, leading to a career.
Dustin Matthews
Son of Dick and Cheryl Matthews and Tawnya Matthews, Grandson of Chris Ward
Dusty's interests include hockey and lacrosse. Dusty was co-captain of the hockey team for South Portland High School
Graduates from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Dusty will join the United States Coast Guard after graduation, and will continue his education at SMCC.
Matthew Seidl
Son of Frank and Sally Seidl - Grandson of Chris Ward
Matt's interests are basketball and baseball and he plays for SPHS
Graduates from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Matt will join the United States Navy following graduation.
Former Peoples Members:
Robyn Renee Gray
Daughter of Chuck and Joanne Kamilewicz
Graduated from Southern Maine Community College on 05/17/09
Robyn will be a registered nurse.
Ryan Wade
Son of Fred and Linda Wade
Graduated from Boston University on 05/09/09
Ryan will continue to teach music at Haviland Middle School in New York.
Relatives of Peoples Members:
Leah Greer
Daughter of Doug and Linda Greer - Granddaughter of Edward and Nancy Greer
Graduates from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Leah will be attending Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA.
Jenna Greer
Daughter of Walter Greer - Granddaughter of Edward and Nancy Greer
Graduates from Biddeford High School
Jenna will attend Goucher College in Baltimore, MD.
Kayla Huelin
Grandaughter of Janice Huelin
Gradues from South Portland High School on 06/07/09
Sharon Wade
Daughter-in-law of Fred and Linda Wade
Graduated from Marist College on 05/09/09
Sharon is a school psychologist who is seeking employment.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
WOW - A Blessing for the dogs. (and other pets compatible with dogs outside)
Peoples UMC is begining it's WOW (Worship on Willard) services this year with a blessing service for pets. We are working with the South Portland Dog Owners Group ( to bring you a service of music, prayer, word and fun. We will be at the Bug Light Park behind the liberty ship at 7:30am on Sunday June 28 - Rain date July 12. Peoples will bring the dog treats and SoPoDOG will bring the people treats to stay and socialize after the service. Bring your best friend and your other friends as well - all welcome.
Friday, June 05, 2009
New Regional Methodist Youth Group
The next youth group is scheduled for June 21 at 1pm. All Junior High youth should meet in the Peoples parking lot at 12:45 pm to carpool to New Light UMC in Portland. Please contact Pastor Jamie for questions or more information.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Celebrating our Little Peoples People!
Children's Sunday was on May 31, a perfect way to celebrate the Day of Pentecost as the first fruits not of the food harvest but the first fruits of the Holy Spirit, the newest converts to Christianity. About 40 total children participated in the various Suday School events throughout the year. I'd say that is some first fruits at Peoples!
Andy and Teresa Folley led the children in a review of each of the units this year, and the kids sang a song from each unit as well. This
helped the congregation to get a real sense of the life and excitement that is happening in Sunday School. Click here for a short video clip of the kids singing B-I-B-L-E.
After this, Andy and Teresa presented each of the children and middle school helpers with a cross. Pictured is Sam Seidl receiving his cross.

Andy then thanked all of the teachers and others who helped out with Sunday School this year, and Pastor Jamie presented Andy and Teresa with a card signed by parents and teachers to say "thank you" for all their hard work and love for the children of the church.

Andy and Teresa Folley led the children in a review of each of the units this year, and the kids sang a song from each unit as well. This

After this, Andy and Teresa presented each of the children and middle school helpers with a cross. Pictured is Sam Seidl receiving his cross.

Bring in Those Toys to Worship!

Come on out and hear some very amusing children's messages!
Mission Dinner a Great Success!
The mission dinner hosted on May 30 was a great success, with lots of food and fun for adults and children, and a time to hear more about Pastor Gwyneth's mission trip to Nicaragua and experience a bit of Nicaragua.
The missions night began with a blessing that is traditionally sung at meal time in Nicaragua. Pastor Gwyneth showed a video clip of one of those blessings in Nicaragua, and then we sang ourselves. Many people brought wonderful Nicaraguan dishes, such as rice and beans, corn tortillas, chicken with onions, and fried plantain. 

After the meal, Pastor Gwyneth showed slides and told some stories about her trip. To see some of these photos go to Nicaragua 2009 Slideshow. She also showed several video clips, one of the mobile medical clinic singing worship songs before getting to work, another of children dancing at the school feeding program.

After the meal, Pastor Gwyneth showed slides and told some stories about her trip. To see some of these photos go to Nicaragua 2009 Slideshow. She also showed several video clips, one of the mobile medical clinic singing worship songs before getting to work, another of children dancing at the school feeding program.
There was a display table with items Gwyneth brought back from Nicaragua, with all proceeds going to missions. She also had a photo album set out, as well as an information sheet about the New England Conference Nicaraguan Covenant.
Carol Bruneau also put together a display table for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), with sample sewing kits which we are collecting for Annual Conference in June.
While the adults listened to the presentation, the children worked on Nicaraguan crafts and coloring activities at their own tables.
Carol Bruneau also put together a display table for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), with sample sewing kits which we are collecting for Annual Conference in June.

While the adults listened to the presentation, the children worked on Nicaraguan crafts and coloring activities at their own tables.

After the presentation and questions, dessert was served, including a dense Nicaraguan cake and fruit salad. A wonderful time was had by all.
A Real Nicaraguan Pinata!

Would you go on a Mission Trip?

But you don't need to go to Nicaragua to do missions. There is plenty of need right here in Maine, or in Canada, Boston, New Orleans, North Carolina ... as well as Africa, Haiti and yes Nicaragua. Would you be intersted in going on a missions trip with a group from Peoples?
We will be meeting on Tuesday, June 23 at 6:30 pm to discuss possibilities of place, timing, types of mission available, cost, training, etc.. All are welcome to attend. If you are interested in going on a trip, but cannot attend the meeting, please let the pastors know and we will meet be happy to talk with you individually.
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