Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Church Finance Update

In these difficult financial times, many people and organizations are struggling with finances. Peoples is no exception. This is already a time of year when the church's budget is in the red, but this year has been particularly tough. At the beginning of April, our opperating fund was more than $11,000 negative with no mission shares paid yet. As of the current printing of this newsletter, there are not yet updated figures for May. The increase in this shortfall does not seem to be caused by mostly by increased costs, which are not up much from last year, nor is it from pledges which are up to date and slightly ahead of last year. The major difference is in a reduction in special gifts beyond pledges or from givers that do not pledge.

So what should we be doing to respond to this? First, do not panic. It seems like a lot of money, but the church has often been behind this time of year. Most importantly God will provide all the resources needed to do the mission we are called to. Secondly, pray. Pray that we are focusing our resources on the mission of making disciples that God has called us to. Pray that you receive the resources necessary to be able to share more with the church. Third, prayerfully consider an increased pledge or special gift. Finally, we will be discussing this issue in detail at our May 12th finance and council meetings. Finance will meet at 6:15pm and Council will begin at 7:30pm. Please bring your thoughts and prayers to this meeting to help us with ideas how to overcome this challenge.

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