On Palm Sunday, we received seven new members to Peoples Church! Each was presented by our Lay Leader, Earle Harvey. Pictured from left to right are Tammy Tapley and Steve Haskell (back), Jody Fyles, Catherine Whittemore, Joyce Alexander, Richard Alexander and Debbie Clark (front).
Steve Haskell, Jody Fyles, and Joyce Alexander were brought into membership by reaffirmation of faith. Margaret Whittemore transferred her membership from the Crawford Memorial UMC, Winchester, Mass. And Debbie Clark transferred her membership from the Seacoast Chapel, Saco, Maine.

Two new members, Richard Alexander and Tammy Tapley were received into membership through baptism! Although we always celebrate the new life in Christ when we baptize an infant, it is especially exciting to baptize adults who have come to faith in Jesus recently. As Peoples continues to disciple new believers, we expect many more adult baptisms in the future.
All of these members attended a 5-week membership class that covered topics such as the Bible, Christian beliefs, Methodist beliefs, balancing our spiritual need for filling and serving, and the advantages and responsibilities of membership.
In addition, all of these new members signed our
Peoples UMC Membership Covenant (which you can view here and will be attached to the mailed copies of the May newsletter). As part of the service, all current members reaffirm their own faith as they also vow to support and disciple the new members. Therefore, all members were also encouraged to likewise sign the Covenant as a renewal of their membership vows, and keep in a place you will often see as a reminder of your vows.

After a big round of applause for the new members, each was given a wooden cross with lanyards made by Kathy Brann, giving envelopes presented by Kathy Brann, and certificates of baptism and/or membership.
New members were then invited downstairs to a reception. The vestry was decorated by Betty Lane, who also put together bags for all of the greeting cards people from the church wrote to welcome each new member. Pastor Jamie put on the balloons as a finishing touch.
Here is a small summary about each new member:
Joyce Alexander was born and raised in South Portland, and is married to Richard Alexander who joined Peoples at the same time- they have been married 48 years. Joyce is retired but has worked for Seaside Nursing Home, JC Penny, Wal-Mart, Portland Post Office and Sears. Joyce enjoys knitting, cross stitch, reading romance novels, doll collecting, and caring for her four cats, one guinea pig, white dove and Beagle! Joyce and Dick have three grown children and seven grandchildren who all live close by.
Dick Alexander was also born and raised in South Portland. Richard is retired but has worked for Bortam and Maine RR, American Can Company, Seaboard Packing Company, and Portland Fish Company. Richard also served 21 years in the US Coast Guard and shipped out around most of the world during this time. He went back to school to study culinary arts after which he worked in several outfits, including as head chef at the Squirrel Island Tea Shop in Boothbay Harbor. Dick's most beloved hobby is his flower gardens in which he raises beautiful irises and lilies, and has worked to create many hybrids.
Debbie Clark is the daughter of Elaine Rogers, and attended Peoples many years ago when she lived in South Portland. Although she commutes from Saco, she feels Peoples is still her home and is worth the drive! Debbie was born and raised in New York state. She has worked for Picture Me Portrait Studio, Funtown working with international students, Olive Garden, and Family Day Care. Her hobbies include knitting and crocheting, scrapbooking and crafts.
Jody Fyles was born in St. Johnsbury, VT and raised in Portland, ME. She is retired from working at Macy's, and now works at the South Portland Library part time. Jody enjoys walking her two dogs, taking her therapy dog to visit hospitals and nursing homes, reading adventure, suspense and nonfiction novels. Jody enjoys the less formal and welcoming nature of the Methodist church, and that it is Bible-based.
Steve Haskell was born and raised in Weymouth, Mass. Steve is currently disabled, but worked as a machinist at Precision Manufacturing Solutions for many years. Steve has a 36 year old daughter and 33 year old son both living in Mass. Steve enjoys reading, fishing, model cars, and is a member of the USSForrestal Association and American Legion where he helps with suppers.
Tammy Tapley was born in Portland, ME and raised in Buxton. She works for Residential Resources. She is engaged to Dana MacLean, and has two children, Jema who attends Mahoney and Bryanna who attends Small School. Her hobbies include going for walks, collecting shells at the beach, and traveling. She says, "The Church is very welcoming and warm."
Catherine Whittemore was born in Boston and raised in Peabody, Mass. and has always been part of a United Methodist Church. She has worked at Health Dialog since 2004, and also at Harvard Vanguard in Medford, Mass. She is married to Martin who is a full time PhD student at Memorial University in Newfoundland. Their daughter Margaret attends Casco Bay High School, and their daughter Charlotte is 1-1/2. Catherine enjoys knitting- simple patterns so she can keep an eye on the kids! She also enjoys British literature and children's history books, and loves to drink loose leaf tea.
Joyce, Dick, Debbie, Jody, Steve, Tammy and Catherine: Welcome to the family!