The new Good $ense financial planning workshop, called Freed-Up Financial Living, was excellent. Attendees at this brand new, video-based seminar included Art Tordoff, Kathy Brann, Chris Ward, Rosemary Herd, Ea

rle Harvey, Pastor Gwyneth and Lori Haffner Travis from the Cape Elizabeth UMC. Gary Melville of the Methodist Foundation helped to facilitate.
Now that the church owns the DVD we can host this seminar regularly. Tentatively the plan is to begin a class in June, after the
40 Days of Love study is completed. This would be perfect for a daytime or evening small group of folks who wou

ld like some ideas on balancing their family budgets and increasing joy and freedom regarding finances at the same time. We would most likely schedule three or four sessions to cover the material and allow sufficient discussion rather than one long day and evening. The program is designed for anyone to have more control of their personal finances by developing a budget which helps in better handling spending, debt, giving and savings.
Another o

ption for those who cannot attend a small group is for individuals or families to view the DVD in their own homes. It is recommended that couples take the seminar together to increase communication around finances, which is the single biggest factor in marital tension and divorce. If you would like to borrow these materials, please contact Art Tordoff or the pastors. Workbooks cost $15 as you are able. Workbooks do include a prework guide that helps in organizing financial matters.
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