Third Saturday
Whenever one thinks of the third Saturday of the month, one usually thinks of Bean Supper. Some, I’m sure think of it being drudgery, pain, an obligation and some even think wouldn’t it be easier if we all contributed the cost of what we make and the value of time to the church so we wouldn’t have to have a bean supper. That thought from many says that the only reason for having the supper is to make money and the easier route the better. You will have to pardon my editorial license, but I beg to differ. The Bean Supper is the longest continuous gift to the community and to each other of any activity except worship services in the history of Peoples church.
There are a number of church members who have never been to the supper, it is obvious from those who do come, that rarely do Peoples church members indulge in the
delectable treats that are served each month. Many may provide casseroles, bake beans, or bake or bring pies and other desserts for those who do partake of the meal. As the writer of this article I commend those who have provided their portions of the meal to the delight of many and yet are rarely seen, unless they are also part of the work crew once each month, the third Saturday.
If it is not membership of the church who attend the Bean Suppers on a regular basis who is it that does attend? Many are reg

ulars. Some folks coming as early as 4 PM to get their seat. Others are followers of bean suppers and would never miss the Peoples supper. Many come as families, where else can a full family get fed nourishing meals for the price! Every once in a while we have somebody who comes from SMCC where they may have picked up a free ticket. Some of these folks come from the neighborhood and others from much greater distances. On occasion, those of us who come first for the meal before helping to clean up have a chance to meet some of these folks and to chat with them on

ly if for a short time. We are providing a service and discipling to others by celebrating each Third Saturday with the Bean Supper.
Oh yes, while it is work for those who work on the supper it is also an opportunity to fellowship. This past Saturday while attending another event held elsewhere in the building I chanced to pass through Ellis Hall around 2:15 with the intent that I would help set up tables and chairs. I was too late, the Boy Scouts had already set them up. Chris Ward was already there to direct the workers as they would arrive. Soon Kathy Brann was there putting her casseroles together.
Later the beans would arrive having been baked from scratch and not from a can. Other casseroles and pies began to be delivered and either placed in the oven to cook or warm and the pies were placed on the pie table across the hall. By 4 PM things were buzzing. The Nelsons, Tom and Barbara were on the scene. Betty Splettstoesser in her bright red outfit was busy bustling around doing whatever. Keith Snoddy and Teddy Greer were hard at work ass

isting and doing those things that they have been doing for years.
When we arrived at 5 PM most of the seats were still empty on this night, yet before 6 o’clock rolled around a nearly full house had come to eat as much as they could then left to do whatever their own calendars had recorded for the evening.
These folks had

been greeted by Doreen Gay at the back of the hall then proceeded to the pie table where Chris Bowker had spent the last hour cutting pies and other desserts and greeting, again, everyone as they picked up their sweets. Encouraged by the openness of seating, people then selected the table and seat that they wanted and waited for the word to eat. While seated and waiting Janice Huelin, Becky Gotlieb and Jody Fyles greeted them by serving those who were seated with coffee, tea, water or punch. At precisely

5 PM, Chris Ward came out of the kitchen and welcomed all in attendance, as she has for many years. As always she extends an invitation to all to come back again and to attend Sunday worship services. On this occasion, Chris introduced Pastor Gwyneth who then extended her greeting and welcomed everyone to pray together.
A new feature at the bean suppers this year is the Monthly Mini-Fair that has been the creation of Kathy Brann. This has given another flavor to the Bean Supper and another outlet of crafts and trinkets made and given by members of the church. It is yet another way of extending Peoples to other people.
Soon the eaters were at the buffet picking up portions of beans, casseroles, salads, bread and either hot dogs or ham. Conversations were heard and experienced and by 6 PM most of those who had

come to once again experience the Peoples Bean Supper were out the door and on the road. Most of the folks who worked on the supper had a chance to sit and eat and then get up from the meal and finish cleaning up the kitchen. Betty Lane, Bob Huelin, the Tordoffs, Kathy Bran and one little Boy Scout helped to pick up and put away the tables and chairs.
As the writer of this article I salute the tireless efforts of those members of Peoples who have every month for many years given their time and talent to ensuring the success of the Bean Supper. I salute you for the work, I salute you for the fellowship. I salute you for the contribution to the discipleship and stewardship that the Lord expects of us. And, oh yes,I salute you for raising a few dollars in the process.