The event started out with lunch - Methodists like to eat, and eat we did! About 50 folks attended, and tables were strategically positioned by Chuck and Rob so that the presentations could begin while people were still eating. Rosemary created beautiful place settings, and we set up the projector and TV to provide lots of visuals. The only requirement of people asked to present was: "No reading reports!" There were copies of the 2007 end-of-year report book which can be viewed here (or request a printed copy from the pastors). The appendix also provides financial and other end-of-year information.
Earle Harvey introduced the program and each presenter. The Junior Choir provided music during dessert, and Ellen Dunn as Junior Choir Director shared a few words about some recent changes in rehearsals brought about by the kids asking for more fun! T
There were a number of certificates passed out for years of service in a ministry area until recently, which included Rosemary Herd (Sunday School Superintendent for 7 years), Linda Wade (Sunday School Teacher for 20 years), Chris Ward (Lay Leader for 13 years), Kathy Brann (Prayer Service Leader for 9 years) and Paul and Sharon Obie (Communion Stewards for 20 years). Then Earle asked folks to share other names - we realized that all of us are important members of the body of Christ!
Two slide shows were shown, one put together with photos from Art Tordoff by Rosemary (with niece Kate's help!), and the other by Pastor Gwyneth. Then each presenter came forward to speak for a few minute about the one or two most exciting aspects or events of their ministry in 2007. We heard from the Walking Group, Trustees, SPRC, Discipleship, Sunday School, UMW, Nurture, Heifer, Missions, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Worship and Visitor Ministries. Then there were three memorial presentations to celebrate the lives of some of our most beloved members who have passed onto glory this year: Hillie Cass, Jim Darling and Kevin Malcom.
During some reflection time at the end, folks responded how thankful they were for this opportunity to see and celebrate all the church had done this year, and even just reviewing the end-of-year book was amazing to see all that God has done through us this year. The pastors encouraged folks to think and pray over what they'd heard and read to see if God may be drawing them into new ministries.
A big thank you to Rosemary Herd, Art Tordoff and Earle Harvey who worked together tirelessly with Pastor Gwyneth to put this all together. Also a big thank you to all who attended, AND to all who submitted their written reports for the end-of-year book! God is good! (all the time)
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