Alex will be one of the best dressed babies in South Portland now, with baby boy outfits, sleepers, gowns, onsies, sweaters, hats and booties, plus towels, bibs, diapers and many other essentials for babyhood.

Meal Ministry

And thank you to all of the folks who have volunteered to make meals when there is a need. And if you are ever in need (even if you are usually the one making the meals!), perhaps coming home after a surgery or are having other health issues, please help Barbara out by letting her know whether some meals for a few days would be helpful. And if meals are offered to you, please don’t hesitate to accept the offer; for many of us it is easier to give than to receive but we sometimes need to grow spiritually by allowing others to serve and help us, and it is certainly a blessing for those who are called to serve.
Childcare Ministry
The pastors are especially grateful to Susan Angell who stayed with Faith and Dena three nights so Jamie could be with Gwyneth in the hospital, and to Karen Jennings, a newcomer to Peoples with three small children of her own. The kids didn’t stop talking about how much they loved the time they had together with Susan, and the feeling was mutual. And Karen was very helpful in transporting the kids to and from school, having to shift car seats and receive help of her own to get everyone where they needed to go! Faith enjoyed playing with Karen’s two older children, Kelty and Kallie, too. And thank you also to all those who agreed to be on our "call list" even if you weren't called!
Since the pastors have no family in the area, this was a true example of how the church really IS family. We trust that our children are not just part of the church but are brought up as members of the family raised and cared for by the community of faith.
Gwyneth & Jamie
Faith, Dena and Alex
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