United Methodist Men
On the second Saturday of each month
from September through June the Peoples United Methodist Men meet for breakfast
and a meeting. Presently the leadership includes Merrill as the President, Dan
as the Vice President, Art as the Secretary and Keith as the Treasurer. Others
that hold significant positions include Lin in Missions, Andy in social plans
and Dick S and Dan in the area of work projects. One of the projects that we
just helped support with manpower and money was the Trustees update of
electrical lighting in Ellis Hall and the vestry. Members of the UMM have
helped and been part of, many other projects sometimes in the name of another
organization within the church. In the coming month a number of the men will be
serving as a member of a team to pack meals for the “End the Growling Project”
and again another mission project that the men have had an association with was
the filling of clean-up buckets that are to be donated to UMCOR. The men will
also be involved in the church clean-up inside and outside the church on the
first weekend in May.
Wes, Chuck, and Keith in the kitchen |
Ravi and Dick M wait and Dan joins others in the kitchen. |
As we pray and enjoy and meal together |
Our most recent meeting only had nine
members present because so many others were taking advantage of vacation time,
but gathering together and making plans over food and activity is a long
standing ritual of United Methodist organizations. Usually the food is prepared
and cooked by our resident chef, Brad. He did prepare it but a number of the
men were employed in the kitchen to warm the food, make the coffee and serve it
to the gathering men.
Those in attendance included: Jim M,
Merrill, Dan, Art, Keith, Dick M, Wes, Ravi and Chuck.
Merrill and Wes on this end |
A call list and e-mail is used to get
in touch with members before a meeting and to send minutes and agendas and
other messages to the membership. Again I like to remind folks that we do meet
on the second Saturday of each month minus July and August at 7:30 AM in the