Celebration 175: Something for
Why are we celebrating?
During the
week beginning Sunday, September 7, 2014, Peoples UMC will be celebrating 175
years since the First Class Meeting was held in eastern Cape Elizabeth.
Remember that South Portland as a separate entity did not exist until 1898. A
Class Meeting was often a gathering of folks with a common geographical and
religious base who would worship and study together the many messages of the Bible. It would not be until 1853 that a
formal meetinghouse would exist in Ferry Village and the name Peoples would not
be adopted until 1888.
It was
Reverend Jesse Stone who was first sent to Brown’s Hill (First Methodist) in
1838 who was commissioned to establish other Methodist Classes or Societies
throughout the rest of the area. Point Village or Willard Square, as it is
today known, was one of those areas where seeds were planted and that plant, we
believe, eventually blossomed into two churches, Cape Elizabeth United
Methodist Church and Peoples United Methodist Church.

following is a schedule of events and what is expected to take place through
those events”
Sunday, September 7, 2014: Renewal /Revival Service: This is
expected to take place under tents/canopies set out on the lawn between the
parsonage and Ellis Hall. It may not look like the old-fashioned revival tent,
but a series of canopy shelters and a Spinnaker sail will be used to simulate a
revival tent. If you have one that would be 10’ by 10’ or more let us know.
Pastor Tom will be the preacher of record. A new plaque honoring the Pastors
who have served Peoples will be dedicated and a new display case for artifacts
should be in place in the vestry.
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, September 8, 9 and 11, 2014: Class Meetings will be held in the
homes of the following members: the Gays, the Bruneaus, the Morrisons, the
Doughtys, and the Snoddys. These sessions will be held at 7 PM on the evenings
that they will be scheduled. Themes will be Patience (9/11), Sharing Faith (9/9),
Prayer(9/8), God’s Economy
9/8) and Parenting (TBA). Attendees are
welcome to attend one or as many as they wish once the specific times and
locations are determined. It would be helpful for planners to know who would
wish to experience a Class Meeting with specific themes. Please let us know.
Beginning on Sunday, July 27 Clip boards with sign-up sheets will be available
in church. If you can’t be in church at this time send your interest in one or
more of the topics to Art Tordoff or Pastor Tom Frey or respond as a comment at
the bottom of this article. If you need a ride to any of the class meetings
please let us know by either putting an “r” on the signup sheets or sending a
message to Art or Pastor Tom.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7 PM: A special Memorial Service will be
held at Willard Beach near the Bath House. Luminaries will be used to pay
respects and honor members of the church, our families and/or the community at
large who have contributed to our lives in some meaningful way or ways.
Luminaries including bags and candles will be provided with each person
dedicating one or more. Pastor Tom will prepare a message and the community
will get to be with each other in a very meaningful and spiritual manner. Again
there are signup sheets that will be available for those that want to
participate on the clipboards that will continue to be passed in church. If you
can’t be in church over the next several weeks, but would like to be at this
event please send a message to Art Tordoff or Pastor Tom Frey. You may also
leave a message at the bottom of this article. If you will need a ride please
let us know.
Friday, September 12, 2014 at 6 PM:
We will gather in Ellis Hall for a Maine meal of Chowder, Biscuits
and/or bread. Chris Ward and Brad Morrison will be the hosts for the evening
which will include an evening of entertainment. The meal will allow us as a
church family to mix with other members of the congregation and then experience
the talents of friends and neighbors , again with the intent of getting
together as members of the church which has occurred through our church
history. We expect a lively hymn sing will conclude this evening of sharing.
Displays of past events in the life of Peoples will be scattered around the
Saturday, September 13, 2014:, 9 AM to 1PM: Heritage Day will be celebrated in and around the
church property. Since it is the day before the opening of Sunday school there
will be many games, from out of the past, that are being planned for the
entertainment of children and adults as well. There will be a need for some
adults to volunteer to assist those who are in charge. Rosemary Herd is the
principle leader of this day of activity for the whole family.
Sunday, September 14, 2014, 10 AM: The beginning of another year of Sunday school will commence with an Adult Class
that begins at 8:45 AM. The children’s Sunday school will also start another
year on this same day. Children are welcome to the church service with parents
at 10AM and will leave for Sunday school after the Children’s Message. New
members should be joining the church membership on this day. While we have
spent time celebrating the past during the preceding week this service and the entry
of new members should illustrate new beginnings and the future of Peoples. The
service will conclude with the planting of a tree or shrub on the grounds with
new members planting new life as a member of the church being seen as their
future involvement in meaningful church life.