Third Saturday of the

People start coming by 4 PM in order
to get the “first seats”. This month the numbers of attendees was rather small
yet well worth the effort. Serving on this occasion began by 4:50 PM. Before
eating Chris and Pastor Tom issued an invitation to church and announced other
events in the life of the church. Pastor Tom gave a blessing before the meal. Buffet
style serving is always the rule at this venue. Beans are home baked and
members of the church supply a variety of casseroles as well as the pies.
Coleslaw is prepared and a variety of bread choices are available as well. The
rule of the day is that people can go through the line once considering that
there are others to follow. Once all receive their first plate they may go back
for more. By 6 PM most everyone is finished and on their way home or another
engagement. A number of people usually are engaged in clean up, washing dishes,
picking up tables and chairs after the meal. Everyone is usually gone by 7 PM.

In the past two years Kathy has run a
Mini-fair with craft goods, books and baked goods for people to purchase. This
has added another dimension to the evening that has proved popular with
attendees and is a valued ministry.
This writer thanks all who
participate in this ministry. It is with the cooperation of many seen and
unseen that the monthly bean supper continues successfully to provide
fellowship for those that work on it and a feeling of community for those