Celebrate! Celebrate!
On Sunday, March 4, 2012 a gathering of the members and friends of Peoples United Methodist Church was held, after church, in Ellis Hall. Over 75 church members of all ages
gathered to celebrate and officially welcome Pastor Tom Frey, his wife Kelley and their two daughters, Patsy and Irene to Peoples. Matt Davis, Patsy’s husband, joined the family and church members for the event. Initially billed as a Pot Luck Dinner, most of the folks
in attendance had brought casseroles, salads and desserts to share with
everyone else. What a delicious array of scrumptious foods with plenty for
all! Brad and Betsy with help from others manned the kitchen. Tom Nelson,
co-lay leader, served as the master of ceremonies. Before eating Tom offered
a prayer and after the meal he had a few words to offer all of us
relative to what the Frey family means to us at Peoples. When the
program was over many folks pitched in to clean up the kitchen and the hall
in order that everything was left in spick and span order for the cast of
Best of Broadway to start their rehearsal for an upcoming program.This
was probably the most successful church gathering outside of church services
in a while. This writer was especially impressed by the
young people who were helping to fold table cloths or assisting in putting
tables and chairs away.Thanks again to Tom and Kelley as well as Patsy, Matt
and Irene for being a part of Peoples family. We are glad that you are all
with us.We also want to let Kelly know that we are glad that she had a good trip to Spain and are glad she is back in Maine. Congratulations to both Tom and Kelly who recently
celebrated their 25th Anniversary.
posted by Arthur Tordoff 12:03
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gathered to celebrate and officially welcome Pastor Tom Frey, his wife Kelley and their two daughters, Patsy and Irene to Peoples. Matt Davis, Patsy’s husband, joined the family and church members for the event. Initially billed as a Pot Luck Dinner, most of the folks
in attendance had brought casseroles, salads and desserts to share with
everyone else. What a delicious array of scrumptious foods with plenty for
all! Brad and Betsy with help from others manned the kitchen. Tom Nelson,
co-lay leader, served as the master of ceremonies. Before eating Tom offered
a prayer and after the meal he had a few words to offer all of us
relative to what the Frey family means to us at Peoples. When the
program was over many folks pitched in to clean up the kitchen and the hall
in order that everything was left in spick and span order for the cast of
Best of Broadway to start their rehearsal for an upcoming program.This
was probably the most successful church gathering outside of church services
in a while. This writer was especially impressed by the
young people who were helping to fold table cloths or assisting in putting
tables and chairs away.Thanks again to Tom and Kelley as well as Patsy, Matt
and Irene for being a part of Peoples family. We are glad that you are all
with us.We also want to let Kelly know that we are glad that she had a good trip to Spain and are glad she is back in Maine. Congratulations to both Tom and Kelly who recently
celebrated their 25th Anniversary.
posted by Arthur Tordoff 12:03
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