Casco Bay Leadership Training
Nearly 50 folks representing mainly churches in the Casco Bay Cluster attended Leadership training on Saturday, January 14, 2012 at Ellis Hall located at Peoples United Methodist Church. Sessions were held for Trustees, Staff Parish, Effective Neighboring and Finance following an opening keynote address by Jane Ives. The title of her presentation was " Empathy Before Education". Active Listening skills were practiced and Jane used a number of experiences from her own experiences in church, community and home to illustrate the points she was making.
The churches that were represented included Peoples, Elm Street, First, Thornton, West Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth and Gorham. Pastors in attendance included Tom Frey, Andrea Harvey, Lynn Campbell, Priscilla Dreyman, Jim Young and Sally Poland. Group sessions were led by Rich Hughen, Jim Young, Sally Poland, Art Tordoff and Jane Ives. Refreshments were served and the program was concluded with prayer at 12:30 PM.