Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Celebration of Advent 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Summer at Peoples UMC
Friday, August 31, 2012
Friday, August 03, 2012
If a squash can make you smile
If you like to waltz with potatoes
Up and down the produce aisle...
Have we got a camp for you!
We welcome your presence, whether it’s for the week, a day, an hour or two. Come experience this special joy that is found in mission. Following is the schedule of specific events. Simply check the spot you’d like to serve or circle the entire day.
NAME ____________________ PHONE _________________
MONDAY—11 am to 1 pm—KIDS’ PROGRAM _______ 3 pm to 5 pm—GRILL TIME/ MEET & GREET ____
Thursday, June 07, 2012

Sanctuary Project Continues

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012
In The Land Of Mechuwana

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Quest Registration (Peoples UMC Retreat)
NAME(S) _______________________
PHONE # ________________________
E-MAIL __________________________
___ Friday/Saturday $60 per person
___ Saturday Only $40 per person
___ Special Family Rate (2 adults/2 children age 12 and under) $80
___$20 Deposit Enclosed (deposit required before April 24. Balance due at registration)
Scholarships are available. Please see Pastor Tom.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” —1 Corinthians 1:9 (NIV)
Dear Friends, Time certainly goes quickly. It has been about nine months since I arrived at Peoples and, in that time, much has happened. I’d like to thank you all for the love and support you have shared with Kelly and myself since our arrival. Though our time here has been short, we truly feel like we are at home. With so many things going on, it can be a bit confusing. So, I’d like to comment on a couple of items currently underway.
1. PEOPLES QUEST: The idea for this retreat came from conversation at our Annual Charge Conference and the planning has come from a series of brainstorming sessions. While there will be activities planned, you are free to participate as much or as little as you want. Camp Mechuwana is a beautiful area and you may want to walk the trails and explore. The retreat is scheduled for May 4 and 5 and meals are included. We will be staying in the new Missions buildings, which are not as rustic as the other camp areas. (Each room has its own bathroom and shower and each building has a common area with fridge and microwave) We are right behind the Commons Building where meals are served. The cost for the weekend is $60 per person. The family rate (two adults, two children) is $80. If you can only attend Saturday, the rate is $40 per person. I am hopeful that this time together will help us deepen our faith, as we build our community. We need to know if you plan to attend no later than April 24. Registration and more information is available at the church
2. HOW WE SERVE SURVEY: During my time here I have heard comments to the effect of “I didn’t know we did that” or “I’d like to help, but don’t know who to contact or where to begin.” To help guide the way, we created this overview of many of the different ministries at Peoples. I want to emphasis that this survey is a request for information. Checking off a line does not commit you or obligate you in any way. It tells us you are interested and allows us to answer any questions you may have as you discern areas you may consider participating in. This survey also helps us to see what areas we as a community are interested in pursuing. When few step up to help facilitate an event or undertake a mission, it becomes time to reconsider if it is an area we should focus on or if a rest time is needed. Also, we are planning a celebratory service later this spring as we approach the anniversary of both our organ and choir. This will be a musical service and so we are asking you what your three favorite hymns are. The top choices will be included in the service. Please take some time and review the survey, check off areas of interest and include the hymns of your choice. Surveys can be left in the basket in the rear of the Sanctuary. Your input is important and appreciated.
3. MISCELLANEOUS STUFF: A few have commented on the work being done in the Sanctuary. We are working to create a more open, versatile and inviting space for worship. The project had some unexpected turns (as these things tend to do) and we are tending to them as quickly as we can. Any one interested in helping with the project or wanting more details, can contact either myself or a Trustee. Two people have asked me about the music videos that used to be part of worship and why we have not been using them. The simple answer is we no longer have the copyright to show the videos and cannot do so at this time. That may change if enough people wish to have them and we find a way to finance the licensing agreement. We are also looking into a licensing agreement that would allow us to show movie clips and have family movie nights at the church. As it is with many of these kinds of things, it is a question of where we want to commit our limited resources. I would be happy to discuss this or any other concern or thoughts further with anyone who is interested.