Thursday, June 30, 2011
Travel Day and Day 1 Mission Trip
Camp Freedom Update

Our work details were even more varied than last year. There was the usual bulk mailing and assisting around the office where necessary. There was no work in the Sumac problem areas. This year our projects included lawn mowing, weeding, trimming trees and shrubs. Other opportunities included moving furniture and repairing wheelbarrows. Fred started training on some of the Computer related tasks that Gwyneth and Jamie were doing(such as updating the blog) and is training for Mission Trip Administration.
We are Chaperoning a field trip this afternoon to a Potato Chip factory and a Zoo today and taking a tour of Wilmington and all the Urban Promise Centers tomorrow. We are hosting a Pizza Party for the Staff and Street leaders tomorrow night.
There has been a Gospel Band practicing next door to our house from 7PM to 9PM several nights a week this year and last year. It has been enjoyable just listening from next door, we were invited over so stopped in on Rehearsal. We had a wonderful time and thanked them for sharing their talents.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Day 2 and 3 Mission Trip
We are having a great time in Wilmington, working and serving God.
Here's day 2 and 3 Mission Trip Photos:
Travel Day and Day 1 at Urban Promise
Friday, June 24, 2011
Peoples In Transition

On Sunday, June 19, the Staff Parish Committee prepared a celebration for the Arrisons at the close of church service, in Ellis Hall. Most of the church congregation on this date stayed for the celebration and a chance to thank the Arrisons one more time for their time shared with us. A good time was had by all sharing stories with each other. You can view the Arrison Farewell Photo Album here.