At the heart of Christmas is the "good news of a great joy" spoken of by the angel in Luke 2: "For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord." We sing carols about bringing tidings of joy, but for many, Christmas can be a time of stress, emptiness and depression. Some are searching for the ideal Christmas we see in advertisements, but our own experience comes up short. Others are reminded of the Christmas we used to spend with a loved one no longer with us. Add onto these job loss, health issues or family tension and we’re much more ready to host a pity party than a joyful caroling outing!
The good news that we celebrate at Christmas rises above happy times or difficult times. God speaks the “good news of great joy” into our hearts through our Savior, Jesus Christ. The joy that came into the world in the Holy Child would continue as that Child would grow up and sacrifice his life to save us, “who for the joy set before him endured the cross.” (Hebrews 12:2). Not even a cross could take away the joy of our Savior.
Once we begin focusing on the inner joy Christ makes possible, that joy comes bubbling out in love for others that they might also know the joy of Christ. We want to spend money on gifts that honor Christ; how many loved ones would be more blessed by a gift to their favorite charity in their name rather than one more sweater? We remember the needs of neighbors and offer our time and help. We see homeless folks with new eyes, remembering the words of Jesus from Matthew 25: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for Me.” And as we serve our Savior we find even more joy returned to us.
And so this Christmas season, whether you are experiencing happy or sad times, our prayer is that you would know and experience the true love and joy that our Savior brings, and spread that love and joy to everyone you meet!
We hope you will join us for some of our Christmas and New Year celebrations found here on the blog. If you will be spending time away from the South Portland area, we wish you safe travels. God be with you all for a joyous celebration and a Merry Christmas!
Together in ministry for Christ,
Pastors Gwyneth and Jamie Arrison