Saturday, February 27, 2010
Mission Trip to Baltimore
The total cost of the trip, including meals in Baltimore, is $265 plus transportation. Looking for ways to help even if you can’t go? Here are some ideas: Sponsoring someone on the trip, financial help or donations of craft supplies, loaning necessary items such as a roof top carrier or air mattress. In addition, we will be planning some special fundraisers as well as times for prayer before and during the trip.
Please contact Betsy Morrison at 767-6063 or Pastor Gwyneth at 409-5530 if you have any questions.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New Family Member!
News Briefs
New Sunday School Unit Begins Today, “Go and Tell” which will help prepare the children for Easter with the stories of the Resurrection and the Great Commission. Activities include games, cooking, science, music and crafts. Our center-based curriculum and awesome team of teachers make learning about God’s love exciting and meaningful. Please encourage your children to invite a friend!
Current Lenten Sermon Series on Passionate faith through the Psalms. Many thanks to Chris Ward for preaching while the pastors were on vacation last Sunday.
Inquirer’s Classes begin Sunday, February 28 at
Jr. High youth group will be meeting at Peoples at
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Mechuwana Middle School Youth Rally!

"Come join us for the weekend to learn about the importance of being a good neighbor - in your community, your school, and in the world. The Mechuwana Youth Council has planned a great weekend of fun and fellowship for you - you won't want to miss it."
For a registration form go to our web site: or email or call: 207-377-2924
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's Cookie Bake
Pastors on Vacation
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Valentine's Dance!
Click here to see the whole Valentine's Dance Photo Album
Friday, February 12, 2010
Let Your Light Shine!
During the February Church Council meeting we discussed what an amazing online presence that Peoples Church has between the webpage, online newsletter/blog, and facebook. The photographs and photo albums displayed on these pages have been the reason several families have visited Peoples for morning worship or signed up for kids Sunday School or Vacation Bible Camp. As the saying goes, a picture says 1,000 words.
Having your photo on one of these pages is also a perfect opportunity to share Jesus with a friend or co-worker in a non-confrontational way, just by showing them your picture at church having fun or involved in meaningful mission. For others who are shy about having their picture taken this also provides an opportunity to sacrifice for the sake of Christ and his Church. For Christians in the USA, sacrifice rarely means martyrdom; rather we sacrifice in little ways every day whether it's giving our time, talent, or treasure, welcoming a newcomer, moving to a different pew for the sake of a visitor, or posing for a newsletter picture!
At Church Council we also discussed importance of online safety for children. Most churches with an online presence have no photo policy, but a few have a short list of practices to ensure safety without placing an undo burden on those who take and post pictures for church publicity. Some of these practices include using only first names in articles except for church contacts and not using children's names. Council hopes to draft a simple policy to review in March and hopefully put into place this Spring. If you have any suggestions, please contact Betsy Morrison.
Worship on Wednesdays
3/3 Thornton Heights UMC
The church is located at 100 Westbrook Street in South Portland. FMI call 774-0487.
3/10 Peoples UMC
The church is located at 310 Broadway in South Portland. FMI call 799-1413.
3/17 First UMC
The church is located at 179 Ridgeland Avenue in South Portland. FMI call 767-2688.
3/24 Buxton UMC
The church is located at 276 Chicopee Rd in Buxton. FMI call 642-3996.
4/2 (Good Friday - worship at noon) Elm Street UMC
The church is located at 168 Elm Street in South Portland. FMI call 799-0407.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Prayer Shawl Ministry Does More Than Knit!
The Prayer Shawl Ministry gathered tonight at the church and checked and assembled 60 health kits. Yea! We are still in need of 28 finger nail clippers/or metal nail files, 16 toothbrushes and 16 combs to complete the additional kits. Can you help?
It is interesting that the Shawl Ministry first was a group of people that gathered together to just knit shawls. Now we knit in our homes and since that original year we have reached out to the Community as well with sewing and stuffing heart shaped cancer pillows for Mercy, knit preemie and cancer patient hats for MM, knit hats to deliver to the Preble St Center or Teen Center, May Baskets for shut ins and now assembling health kits. We do have fellowship and fun at these gatherings. We will be making May Baskets this year again at our Thursday meeting in April and we want to invite everyone to come and enjoy the fun making or stuffing them with goodies. Since May 1 falls on a Saturday this year, you might want to come to the April meeting and make one not only for shut ins but make one for your own Mom too and take on the task of delivering some on May 1. At home I make up 3 family baskets and deliver them to my grandchildren and a few for my neighbors. It's addictive.
Come join us on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7pm.
Mom's Group Taking the Challenge
Beginning in March, the mom's group is going to take the E100 challenge together! Any moms with babies, toddlers or even school aged children are welcome to join us!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Join us on the E100 Journey

A few have requested Guide Books which provide some information about the Bible reading each day. The book cost is $10 which is the suggested donation - if you can't pay that's ok! Or if you can donate some extra to help pay for someone else's that's great too! If you'd like one please contact the pastors at
Please also let the pastors know if you need a Bible - we have placed another order for a case of New Living Translation Bibles, which is an accurate and easy-to-read Bible. The suggested donation for a Bible is $5.
You also can print off some additional free resources yourself such as discussion guide (with 2 discussion questions for each reading), 7 habits for effective Bible readers, the Bible reading plan, sermon outlines and MP3 downloads, all at
E100 is especially effective to get people excited about reading the Bible because it is so flexible. You can read at your own pace, with your own schedule and use a Bible translation of your choice. We do recommend that you meet on some frequency with a family member, co-worker, friend or small group, both to discuss insights and questions, and to hold one another accountable to sticking it out to the end. If you need assistance finding a group or partner, please contact the pastors.
Blessings as you encounter God in this journey through the Bible together!
Pastor Gwyneth