A small group of folks have been meeting to plan the first group mission trip from Peoples UMC. We have met monthly throughout the summer and fall, studying Scripture together, researching various options through the United Methodist denomination (General Board of Global Ministries) and internet, praying with one another and interviewing other churches. Those part of the planning group thus far have been: Earle Harvey, Betsy Morrison, Janell Powell, Betty Lane, and Pastor Gwyneth.
At this time we have four potential mission trips, which are located in NY City, Wilmington DE, Baltimore MD, and the rural mountains of West Virginia. We are completing final research on each of these organizations and hope to make a decision by the end of November. One criteria that was important to our group was that the trip be within driving distance to reduce travel costs.
Each organization focuses on meeting different needs such as working with children and youth, the homeless, those with AIDS, or low income families. Most offer a flexible program, including some physical labor such as construction or painting in addition to helping in a soup kitchen or running a vacation bible camp for children.
Potential dates for a trip include one week anytime in 2010, including spring vacation, but most likely will take place sometime during the summer. Costs vary with each organization but seem to range from about $300-$500 per person including meals but not travel. Some organizations accept families with young children, others do not. If you would like to bring a young child on the trip, please let us know so we can factor this into our decision.
We would love to have a LARGE group go on this mission trip! Please contact Pastor Gwyneth or any member of the planning team for more information. However, if you are fairly certain you will not be able to go, please be in prayer about how you can still be part of this exciting mission. Opportunities could include financial support, organizing fund raising for the group, organizing or participating in a daily prayer vigil during the trip, donating necessary items, helping out spouses or families of those who stay behind during the week, or writing a note of encouragement to those who will be going.
Please be in prayer for this church mission! Thank you.